Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I was BRBing Guys

"Back. Sorry, I had to do something."

There that explains my absence for the past however many months =]. But you know everything aside, life's been treating me pretty good these past four or five months. I think things started going up hill...the minute when I bought my guitar. Well, there was also the crying to the rental units, the talking to the "doctor of the heart", and the whole reconsideration of life deal, but all in all, I think the guitar was the big one =P.

School ended a while ago and it's about to start again...this time, I'm really gonna try to pwn some academic know, long nights at the library, intense conversations with the professors, etc...okay, who am I kidding, I won't last a month if I do that, but I'll definitely do my best this year. I've moved out, sorted out my priorities and most of all, I have my own room! so that more opening the door when I don't want more late night staying up because a phone conversation is going on until five in the morning...I will say no more =P. But yes, school will be my top priority from now on. I think I can really do it...really make a difference if I'm able to take advantage of the opportunity that's been staring at me in the face like...Mona Lisa...bad reference, but you get the point.

Don't worry guys, this doesn't mean I'm going to be a hermit and lock myself out from the rest of the world...okay...maybe a little bit, but friends and family are not far from the top of my priority list. I have found that these two things are very important in my life...yes, I have learned to appreciate the care and love that my family and friends bring to me...they really do care and I really can turn to them when I need some help. I have determined that maybe being a little bit dependent on people really isn't a bad thing...I mean, there are so many of those in the world...might as well make use of the resources right? =P. So even though I'm going to concentrate on school a lot now, I'm still gonna try to get some hang time with my buddies and party it up once in a while...damn I really hate drinking alcohol though...but I'm sure things can still be amazingly entertaining when I'm not pissed out of my mind...seeing other people do stupid things can be so much more enjoyable don't you think? xP.

These two things aside, what might be my third to priority you may be asking...well...can you take a guess? do it...just try. I'm sure you'll do fine...(please leave a comment of your guess...if you want to...and if it's not what I'm actually going to say in a couple of it...)
Its...its...guitar! that's right boys and girls, Jak's actually got a hobby and he's going to pursue it! amazing isn't it? I find that when I play the guitar, it's like the best time of my life. So relaxing, so out of this world satisfying that I can actually make my own music and best of's guitar and that's just wicked stuff. I remember when I was tweleve and I'd stand infront of the telly playing air guitar in hopes that some day I'd be one of the legends...back then I didn't know any legends so I don't really remember what I was thinking =P. Anyway, I'm gonna try to keep improving on it. I remember when I first got it and I was hoping that it wasn't just a phase you know? like I'll play it for a couple of months maybe, then the interest will just go away...but thankfully, after a long time, I'm still, maybe more than ever interested in it. Especially after going back to China and seeing my good friend be so good at guitar. He's the lead guitarist in his band so you know, he's cool, gets all the babes...haha. Just kidding, his school is in a desert, there's not many babes, but still though, he's amazingly good and it just motivated me to practice even more. So guys...wish me good luck and in about a decade, please support my cds. =].

Let's see so that concludes a major change for myself...making priorities and sticking with them. Now that I have these priorities, which I think is pretty reasonable, I don't have to think much about you know, life not being purposeful and all that sad stuff. Now I think it's time to move on to some of the experiences I've had during the trip to China...but I think I'm not going to get all of it said tonight...kinda tired so I'm going to save it for the next brb guys...Part II =].