Okay...I was gonna post a video of myself playing in the game, but my ability to make videos is lets say...NONE AT ALL. I got frustrated with the idiot programs that I was using and deleted everything. Now my hard drive is clean and I'm satisfied. So to show you the awesomeness of the game, I will post a video of what the game is like from Youtube...Damn, I wish I could post something of my own, but...I guess I'll keep trying and hopefully get one of my own up soon. But!! I would like to post a picture of my character because I finally got him some new clothes and now he doesn't look like a wife beater =).
Hmm...I just realized the trailer does nothing that you actually do in the game...Meh, that's okay, it's a good song that goes along with the trailer =P.
Okay...I think that's all for now...Until next time...Later days =P.
Update: I made the movie! So I'm taking off the one on Youtube and putting mine on, w0oot! Hope you guys like it...Took me so freaking long to make this thing, but next time will be faster =P. Yes, it's Hilary Duff, seemed like the only song that you guys would know, besides Jennifer Lopez, (The song sucks) so I decided to make my guy dance to that. Yea yea...Excuses, but guess what...STFU. It's a good song...Hard enough I don't fall asleep, easy enough I didn't miss. Now...All go download the game so I don't have to dance by myself all the time XD.
Nice suit.
Took a lot of dancing to get it xP.
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