After the ceremony ended, I went to a little get together. Had some alcohol and played some games. It was quite fun...as during the process of these games, I found out that there were actually names for different styles of dresses. Crazy ass names too. Also, I have found a sense of pride in my knowledge regarding pokemon. That's right, I am the master...you can all shut up now. In the process of it all, I got the dance that I wanted. It was special to me. I'll treasure those 4 minutes forever. Nevertheless, in the end, it was just a dance, a dance with a very good friend that can I relate to on many different levels. A friend that helps me through life's many obstacles and a friend that's been a crucial part of my high school life. For this, I say thank you. It wouldn't have been MY proper graduation without you.
With that said, I stayed up until 4 or 5 in the morning...(I could barely walk for a period of time, gimme a break for not remembering the exact time). I talked and thought about a lot of things regarding life. Although I had quite a bit of alcohol in my system, my thought process was still chugging along. My friend said a lot about life...me...and people in general. As of now, I am very confused about a lot of things. I don't really know how to say it, but there are many things in life that I should really reconsider my actions. I'm still a long way from understanding it and I use this as a motivation to continue to experience and grow. I need to be patient...much, much more patient. "You're probably the biggest drama-queen out of all of us." This has been said to me once by a dear friend...it's always stuck with me. I finally see that I do make mountains out of mole hills a lot of times. I need to learn to accept, to not expect the worst or best of things to happy. I've been living in my little fantasy world a little too long. I want to learn what reality is now...learn how to live. Not in the past, not in the future, not in my mind, but in the present. It'll take a while, but if I pay attention to it, I'll be sure to be able to get over myself and accept who I really am. Be happy about myself and not live life purely for others. Although I will always be a hopeless romantic, always in search of love, I can use this lesson to find a type of real love, not the type you see in movies =P. I'm still very young, I still have lots to learn and I will continue to live life pursuing happiness and experience. As of May 30, 2008, I have graduated from not only high school, but from a chapter of my life.
Secret #28: Congratulations Fang. Hope your graduation ceremony will be a memorable one.
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