Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Keep on Chugging Along

Okay, so I've been wanting to post for a while now, but due to recent setbacks, I had to wait until today...Now...And even now, I feel like I'm going to pass out any moment, so let me try to put together something within the span of an hour and then pass out...See...Right now, I feel like writing down a bunch of shit all at once and just get it done and over with, but with my anal retentiveness, I must do this in chronological order. It'll be much easier on my brain this way.

So let's start with last Friday...Hmm, yes, I took Ahmad out for lunch. I really didn't have an idea of where to go because well...I'm restaurant deficient, but I knew things will turn out okay, and they did. We ended up going to Bistro (which was awesome, if you haven't been there, you must go and stuff your face with foodly goodness). It was a nice afternoon out and that's about it...I haven't really had a "talk" with her for a while and I thought it might have happened that day, but I guess what happened is for the best. Casual talk, casual hanging out...It was...Pleasant. So Friday ended with badminton and a nice talk with Hadi. Got some things sorted out and the tension that I felt before pretty much lifted. I am a little worried about him though...But on the other hand, I trust him and I'm sure he'll figure a way to get past this obstacle. I wish him best of luck at that. It's hard to imagine that we've known each other for 5 years already. It doesn't seem that long really...Seems like yesterday when we were hunched over the computers in the computer lab at lunch time playing that caveman driving game...I'm sorry, but I can't remember the name to save my life. Life was simpler back then...School really wasn't an issue and responsibility was pretty minimal. 5 years later, University's coming up...Still don't know where Hadi's going. I think Waterloo would be a great place for him to be simply because he has a lot of talent in computers and where does Microsoft look first when searching for bright young minds? Waterloo. But the selfish part of me wants him to come to UT with me...It'll be nice having a friend that I've known for so many years around...Ah well, the decision's ultimately up to him. Whatever he decides, it'll take him a step closer to his dream.

Anyway, so Friday rolled along to Saturday and with Saturday comes work. Work was a pain in the ass if I remember correctly...Some ridiculous Indian couple came in and by the time they left, it was like a hurricane had passed through my store. I was slightly agitated and extremely tired...Then by the end of the day, I had to wait at the C-train station for about 40 minutes before my parents realized that work ended at 8 instead of 9 that day -.-''. It was actually quite scary...I called my parents like a million times before I gave in. Imagine this: Saturday night, no idea where your parents are, no contact with them, no way of getting home because the buses stopped and no where to go. I even went as far as to plan, in my head, of what I should do if they got in an accident of some sort. It was bad...So I sat on the C-train platform not knowing what to do for 40 minutes, watching the trains pass by. When they finally picked me up...It was like they didn't care at all...Not mentioning it and pretending as if nothing had happened. It made me a little sad and angry at the same time, but what can you do? They're human beings...Mistakes are allowed...But if they do this again I might just shit a brick.

Sunday was a good day out with friends. Piao, Du and I first met at my house where Du and I studied while Piao played the piano (horribly might I add, but he's better than me so =D). After that, we went out to downtown because Du had her violin lesson for about half an hour. While she was showing off her brilliantness with music and all that jazz, Piao took me to a hair place and I got my hair cut. I must say, it was quite the experience...For the first time in a long time, I came out with a satisfied feeling about my hair. I think people are taking a liking into it too...It's pretty different...Very different from my old style, but it's interesting...I can't wait until it grows out some more and the lady can fix it up to the way I originally wanted it. Yay. We went shopping for clothes afterwards...It was good because I really needed some clothes...Surprisingly, it was pretty fun. No pressure, no rush, just hanging out and trying on some things that we liked. Each of us bought something in the end and I must say...Du's taste in clothing is pretty good. (This means that I'm going to drag her along next time I go shopping for a coat and some pants). Yea...Anyway, the day out kinda ended with ice cream and smoothies. It was nice...They came over for a bit afterwards too...In the end, I drove Du home...Mind, we had to wait forever for my mother to come back with the car, but I got her safely home by the end of the day and that's all that matters. Yes, my driving skills is amazing. It was a nice drive...Although I wanted to take as much time as possible to get her home because I enjoy these moments with my friends, I was in a hurry. Partially because it was late...Partially because I felt guilty as hell when Yang called and hung up on her...And partially because I thought I was gonna pass out anytime and I wanted her out of the car before that happened. Yea...I felt pretty sick all day and it got worse as the day went on...I didn't want to ruin the day for everyone so I kinda sucked it up and tried to enjoy it as much as possible. Overall it was a pretty amazing day...Those two are really good friends. I can be so natural around them it's amazing. I wish I could spend all my free time with them because we share so much in common and our values and beliefs are pretty similar too...Whether it's laughing together, moping together, it seems so...Effortless...Good stuff.

Yesterday was completely shitty...I felt like crap all day long...Kinda plopped on to bed as soon as I could and pass out...I had to work...Basically sat there feeling like shit, but knowing I had a job to do. Fortunately, I didn't die and the day ended. When I was going to work, Piao was with me and his friend Cui was also at the train station. She ran up to him and gave him a hug. The look in her eyes...The way that she smiled and her eyes lit up, it was so sincere. I realized that, that's all I really want...Is for someone to see me and their day would brighten up. It's hard to place like that in someone's heart. Hopefully there'll be someone out there that feels that way about me...Someday I'll be in Piao's place, receiving the full hearted hug.

So I'm getting shit tired and I should probably finish this post off...Damn it, I realized that I wanted to post some songs...Next time...Next time for sure! Moving on...It wasn't until today that I found out I have the stomach flu and just when Badminton Divisional is...Tomorrow! That's okay...If Pete Sampras can win Wimbledon with a stomach flu, I can play Divisional with one. I believe! I talked to my partner today and I think it'll be good tomorrow. She seems like she's ready to play again and is excited to...That's all that I really wanted. Okay...I'm tired...Must rest up for tomorrow...For some reason I feel like I have more to say, but until...WAIT...

So I had a dream last night...I dreamed I was texting people...Which I never do and Fang texted me! I was extremely surprised and happy. I don't really remember what it was about, but I woke up thinking it actually happened...I checked my phone and hit myself on the head xP. I think this is partially because I got the residence offer to 89 Chestnut yesterday...I was really happy...Can't wait until May 17th...Can't wait! Okay...On THAT note...*Falls asleep*
Secret #24: Maybe in another lifetime, I can tell you all I feel...


Jason Hadi said...


Jenny Du said...

Hahaha yes, we'll go shopping for your jacket next. BTW i put the pics of "shuai" Jak on facebook, with the word "shuai" atleast 7 times. so HAH. just to spite you XD

Jenny Du said...

btw you did amazing today in badminton!! I'm very proud of you. next you can win cities with stomach flu.