Friday, November 9, 2007

As Time Passes

Tick..Tock...The clock strikes 11:11PM. Time goes by pretty quickly...People always have things to do, places to be and other people to be with. Sometimes, it's nice to have some time by yourself, but other times, company is enjoyable too. Is one better than the other? In general, no, but everyone's opinion's different, so I tend to just accept that and stop questioning it. Time is a thing that constrains us from the things that we want to do because of the things that we need to do during this allotted time frame. How can we prioritize? Based on our future would be the response for most parents, but if you think about it, if you're not enjoying yourself now, doing things you don't want to do so the future is better, how do you know what enjoying something is would feel like in the future? We can't change the past, we can't predict the future, so the only thing that we can be certain of is the present. The here and now. So enjoy it. Present becomes past, future becomes present and....future future becomes future -.O''.

Okay...So that was a lot of ranting about nothing =P. But time is passing by pretty fast. I don't know how long it's been since that, but it seems pretty long ago...Don't know really what's happening with anything anymore...Not that I really mind. I mean, I hear things, see things because they're there, but really what's the point of getting involved...Just adds stress to life...Besides, there are more important things right now...I need to get a start on scholarships, finances, and finding a way to get outta here. As of now...Just gonna occupy my time with things...Thinking maybe soon I'll stop thinking about high school stuff all together. Occupy my time with work, badminton, tutoring and maybe bits of school. Oh yea, probably gonna go to the gym at school too. Of course, by doing all this, I've been getting further and further away from people at school...It's weird though...Everyone seems happier when you don't know much about them. Haha, ignorance is so bliss. Everyone probably has more problems as the school year goes on, but when you don't put the effort into knowing, it doesn't seem so. Yea yea, I'm a jerk, but am I really for just minding my own business? I don't feel like pursuing something when it's not gonna matter and people just get pissed because I'm being too "nosy". I'll listen if the situation allows it, I'll sympathize/empathize when the situation presents it, but it just doesn't seem to change anything even when I try so hard to "be there" because ultimately, the choice is the individuals.

Anyway, wth was I talking about? Pisses, I'm so random today. Oh yea, time. One good thing about time, it helps fix things. It mends wounds, allows growth and other things that I can't think of. It also helps adapting to unfamiliar and uncomfortable habitats...Like loneliness. Loneliness is pretty hard to deal with. Hurts in the beginning, confusion in the middle, but once you get used to it, it's not that bad. There are still times where...Ah...I think I'm gonna peace for today...Talked to Fang again...The feeling's nice...Later days =P

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