Sunday, November 4, 2007


The first major snow of the year...It's always nice to see the white sheets cover everything, but seeing is a little different than experiencing...I'm going to go out of my house tomorrow and instantly regret stepping out of my cozy haven that I call home...I know it.

I think it's been a while since I've posted again...I would like to post more, but I've just been a little busy recently. Last week, I wasn't home until at least 9:30pm every night except Thursday. I wasn't supposed to get home later that night either, but thank goodness I forgot about my blood donation appointment and had some rest or I would of collapsed. This weekend was okay though...Went to work on Saturday and found out that it's just me and my manager that works at Personally Yours now...I'm going to cry. I feel bad for her because she's been working like 12 hour shifts, but there isn't much I can do...I'll have to go in tomorrow though...for an hour while she's interviewing someone. Hopefully she doesn't take too long to get some more employees because I don't want to do any more work than I can handle...But I guess I'm just going to have to rough it out until she finds some people.

So since going to badminton for a bit on Friday, I think I'm going to have to start helping out...I want to be there, but I just don't have the time. Probably going to have to get someone to do the things I want...Possibly Hadi, but he has enough shit to deal with, so I'm not sure...Next Friday's the Friday I was supposed to have off...But due to the lack of employees...I think I'm gonna have to work again...*sigH* Gonna have to apologize to Du and hopefully people will start helping her out. This would be a lot easier if I didn't care -.-''. Maybe just for a bit though...Du seems to be stressing out about it a little bit, so maybe be her support for a while before ditching again xP.

Next week's gonna be tough...Need to start working hard again...I just don't have the time, but I guess that's my fault. I'm gonna start spending every waking minute doing something productive now...As soon as I start slacking off, everything seems to catch up to me. Hmm...French is a pain in the ass...I think I'm gonna try to get Garen to stop giving us so much work...It's impossible to get anything useful done in that class, but he's a nice guy none the less...So have to give props to him for that...

Jay's new album finally came out. I wouldn't say it's a disappointment, but just like snow, there are its good and bads. Some of it I really enjoy, but others just doesn't seem like he wrote the songs...Speaking of songs...The song that I wanted to write is almost done...I need one more verse and I think I'm going to put my own music to it...I've been practicing piano recently and hopefully if I practice enough, I'll be able to put something together. I know it's just extra on my plate, but I love music so...I think it's going to be worth it...

Romance...Haha...Maybe I'm just looking for something that's not really there, but you never know...Someone might surprise me one day xP.

Note to self: Start pulling your shit together Jak v.v

Later days =P.

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