Saturday, May 31, 2008


Hurrah, I have graduated from the greatness of high school. Do I feel happy? Not really. Do I feel accomplished? Kinda. Do I feel relieved? Definitely. The graduation ceremony was yestermorning and it was actually quite fun. Took pictures and got to wear a spiffy gown. I, personally, enjoyed wearing that big maroon coloured robe. Felt like a wizard...mmhmm. The ceremony went pretty well...and soon afterwards the banquet started. I didn't want to go, but I ended up going. It's no big deal really, but it was entertaining. Everything was put together pretty well and the speeches were quite fun. Only thing that bugged me during the banquet was towards the end, Du was pretty upset. I still don't know what happened, but I can't help but worry...that's just would worry too if a friend was in trouble, no? Anyway, I hope she's alright. She's a strong girl though...I should have more faith in her...

After the ceremony ended, I went to a little get together. Had some alcohol and played some games. It was quite during the process of these games, I found out that there were actually names for different styles of dresses. Crazy ass names too. Also, I have found a sense of pride in my knowledge regarding pokemon. That's right, I am the can all shut up now. In the process of it all, I got the dance that I wanted. It was special to me. I'll treasure those 4 minutes forever. Nevertheless, in the end, it was just a dance, a dance with a very good friend that can I relate to on many different levels. A friend that helps me through life's many obstacles and a friend that's been a crucial part of my high school life. For this, I say thank you. It wouldn't have been MY proper graduation without you.

With that said, I stayed up until 4 or 5 in the morning...(I could barely walk for a period of time, gimme a break for not remembering the exact time). I talked and thought about a lot of things regarding life. Although I had quite a bit of alcohol in my system, my thought process was still chugging along. My friend said a lot about people in general. As of now, I am very confused about a lot of things. I don't really know how to say it, but there are many things in life that I should really reconsider my actions. I'm still a long way from understanding it and I use this as a motivation to continue to experience and grow. I need to be patient...much, much more patient. "You're probably the biggest drama-queen out of all of us." This has been said to me once by a dear's always stuck with me. I finally see that I do make mountains out of mole hills a lot of times. I need to learn to accept, to not expect the worst or best of things to happy. I've been living in my little fantasy world a little too long. I want to learn what reality is now...learn how to live. Not in the past, not in the future, not in my mind, but in the present. It'll take a while, but if I pay attention to it, I'll be sure to be able to get over myself and accept who I really am. Be happy about myself and not live life purely for others. Although I will always be a hopeless romantic, always in search of love, I can use this lesson to find a type of real love, not the type you see in movies =P. I'm still very young, I still have lots to learn and I will continue to live life pursuing happiness and experience. As of May 30, 2008, I have graduated from not only high school, but from a chapter of my life.
Secret #28: Congratulations Fang. Hope your graduation ceremony will be a memorable one.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Gary 曹格...What can I say about this guy's voice...It's amazing to say the least. When I was first introduced to him, I really didn't think much of him. His music is okay, but it never stood out like the way Jay Chou's music did for me. A while back, when I found out my friend really liked him, I casually searched around and listened to some of his music. I found a couple of songs that I liked and to be honest, I kinda forced myself to find something I would be able to listen to...for numerous reasons. In the past couple of weeks, I really began liking his voice. It's incredible. I wish I could sing like that, but I can't. Anyway, I started listening to his songs a lot and now, I pretty much have a couple of his songs stuck in my head all day v.v''. It's not a healthy thing I swear because I don't carry my MP3 around anymore and it just gives cravings x.x''. Also, his songs, his voice, to me, is like a makes me feel closer to someone.

So, since I haven't uploaded a song for a while now, I'm going to upload one of his songs...or rather, a song that he sang. It's by Frank Sinatra. Yes ladies and gentlemen, it's an English song...and yes ladies and gentlemen, he speaks English, pretty well in fact. I'm sure all you white washed people who reads this know who Frank Sinatra is and I'm sure you've heard his songs before. It's "My Way"...listen to it, see if it makes you shiver. It made me shiver >.>''. The lyrics are somewhere on the internet so good luck on your journey if you really want it xP. It's not the lyrics that attracted me to this song, it's the voice of the singer, so let's just all enjoy it and not think too much into the "meaning" -.-''. It shall be song number 17. Fang told me that he also sang a few more Sinatra songs, so I'm gonna look up into that. If they're really good, I'll upload them too =P.

Anyway...I was going to ramble about my current exhaustion...but I'm a little too tired to ramble, so I'll just leave it here for now. Until next time...Later days =P.
Secret # 27: Watching the leaves dance as I think of you...

Monday, May 26, 2008

T-Minus 10 Hours ---- New Memories

It feels weird...but my 8 days in Vancouver is coming to an end. I don't want it to...for many reasons, which I will explain later. I don't have much time to post as I'm getting ready to head out for one last day with my friends, but I have a lot to say on my chest. For the first time in a while, I am hesitant in writing everything. Partly because I don't want it to be true and partly because of privacy. I have found a large respect for privacy, in particular the privacy between two people, during this week.

Shit...sorry to leave this as it is, but I will be back later to do a new post. Peace it out kids v-.-''


All right kids, so I'm finally back from my trip to Vancouver. It's pretty late right now, but screw it, I wanna post something. Sleep can wait...besides, I enjoy listening to music late at night and just tap away at my keyboards putting my thoughts together. Vancouver was pretty amazing, to say the least. The weather, the city life and best of all, the friends. It all came and went way too fast. Feels like I'm still back should be almost midnight back there...I would probably be staring at my friend play private server Maplestory right about now. It's actually quite entertaining...When he makes three 120 level characters in one day...within the span of a few hours xD. Lamibao's a cool guy. Picked me up from the airport, which was quite funny because I spent about an hour looking for him about excellent planning hey? Yea, my absentmindedness made things interesting in this trip. Have you ever called up someone after seven years of not seeing them, meet up and just have a good time as if nothing ever happened? No? Well, next time you get the chance, do it because it's the single best feeling in the world when you hear the person on the other phone say, "Jak? No...Jak? No way...Jak?!" repeatedly until they convince themselves to come out and actually witness it themselves xP. Normally I would go through the days one by one until I'm fully sick and tired of thinking back and go to bed, but, I'm going to just write whatever comes to mind because most likely, it's the important things that matter. BTW, I didn't buy many gifts in Vancouver, so's not like I didn't think about it, it's's just...yea, I didn't think about it. Common guys, it's Vancouver, you want a souvenir, drive there and back on a weekend. Not being an ass...just being a lazy one xP.

Okay, let's see, meeting up with my buddies from way back when was very interesting. Lamibao and I met up with Li, Chen and Choi on the first day there. We played some hoops and they took me through the new and improved Metropolis Mall, which I have to add, is now the second largest mall in Canada (my friends have permanently implanted that fact in my head). It's a pretty sweet mall actually, I mean if it had a roller coaster and a swimming pool, it'll definitely be bigger than West Ed. Anyway, the guys just hung out and they were all pretty stoked that I was back. We caught up with some stories and the most hilarious I must say would be when Li almost got jumped. The person that approached him, rather short and wide as my friend described him, told Li to give him his iPod threatening him with a "Shank". Li thoroughly confused by the situation, turns to Choi and asks, "What's a 'shank'?" The only result of that scenario was a funny story and an embarrassing moment. Mind you, the person that was doing the threatening was an elementary school kid. Ghetto Burnaby huh? Moving on, I hung out with them some more on a couple more occasions. Li took me to North Vancouver, which I've never been to before, and we roamed around a market very similar to that of the ones you see back in China, except you can't haggle xD. It was very interesting, we bought a "beaver tail" snack and it was actually pretty good. No, it wasn't an actual beaver tail you ignorant idiot xP. We went to watch Indiana Jones (I do not recommend this movie, especially if you haven't seen the prequels) and Li lost his wallet...for a short period of time. We went around back and forth to the theater and finally the person there found it. It was quite entertaining listening to him cuss and insult himself xP. Aside from that, it was a fun day shitting around North Van and roaming around downtown Vancouver. OH! That reminds me! Downtown Vancouver is freaking sweet! They got magicians doing shows! Randomly! It's actually quite amazing. I wish Calgary was like that, then there would actually be things to do...anyway, not time for depressing talk yet. Yea, so I've always wanted to watch live magic and who would have thought that my first time actually witnessing magic would be on the streets of downtown Vancouver?! It's awesome though, if you ever go there, go watch, the people are friendly and the magicians are funny as hell. The streets are SO crowded too, good stuff all around, much much fun, anyway, you get the idea. So that was a pretty good day, but idiot me forgot to bring my damn camera so Li took a bunch of pictures...Note to self: Ask for pictures.

Hmm, let's see...well I'm just going to start another paragraph because I think the previous one is getting long...see there's no actual logic in this post...which is slightly bothersome, but meh, who cares. Anyway, as many of you already know, I stayed at Lamibao's...if you don't...well, now you do. His parents were super nice. I basically ate all my meals there and they cooked a lot of Filipino food, which surprisingly, tastes a lot like Chinese food! Yea, I know, let your jaws drop now. The food was great, I think I gained a few pounds there, although his aunt said I lost weight...crazy people. Yea, hanging out with Lamibao was pretty chill. We caught up on everything, played some Magic for old time sakes and he taught me now to play guitar! Yea people, I can play chords now. Be amazed and I know almost one song...haha. Oh yea, and I can read tabs! Let the applause commend. Now that we all know I can kinda play guitar, someone get me one >.>. *Looks at Du* =). Yea, everything turned out pretty sweet at Lamibao's. I think choosing him as a host was a good idea xP. I slept on the top of a bunk bed and it was actually really comfortable. Slept at around 11 every night, woke up at around 10 every morning...*thinks back*, the feeling of not worrying about anything is pretty sweet. I bought a bracelet in North Van when I was wandering around with Li and I ended up giving it to Lamibao. It was actually a pretty sweet ass bracelet if I do say so myself. It's too hard to explain so...pretend I didn't say anything xD. I bought the Lamibao family some flowers as a token of thanks and I hope Lamibao will make some time during the summer to head up here. It may be boring as hell, but he's got a little friend that he wants to visit up in Edmonton so I think it'll be cool if I took him there some how xP. It'll be pretty fun.

Other than hanging out with my buddies, I watched Iron Man and also went to do some shopping. Iron Man was definitely worth the money. It's a brilliant movie and I'll recommend it to everyone and anyone right now. Go watch it you stupid fools, if you haven't already...if you have...go watch it again you stupid fool. And yes, I went shopping, picked out clothes by myself, which I'm proud of, you guys will all see it soon so be amazed. The shopping is mostly motivated by Fang...She's a very fashionable person, as well as having many other amazing character traits.

Okay, I think that covers a lot of the things that I did. Things that I would tell you guys out there just to make you jealous and show how much of a hole Calgary is xD. Sorry for offending everyone who grew up here and loves Cow Town to the's just, for me, I don't like it here xP. Moving on, it's time for me to talk to myself...think to myself.

WARNING: The following may contain sappy and sad content. Viewer's discretion is advised.

---- as I wrote before, I found a new respect for privacy. This is why I am struggling to write everything I want to write right now. Somethings I want to just say it, but at the same time, I want to keep it to I think a different approach of writing will be done for this segment.

Looking back on everything that's happened during the past week and a bit, every moment I was there, I thought about her. "Why did you come back Jak?" "Why are you going back Jak?" Most of the time I would reply to see my last time before heading our separate ways and that's what I did. The actual reason...the main reason for this trip of mine was to find something out...about someone as well as about myself. I find myself a little different when I'm online compared to real life. A little bit, but there's a difference none the less. I expect it's the same for everyone, to some degree. It's different when you're face to face with someone and after such a long time of not seeing the people that I talk to online, I want to know if my feelings are true. Sometimes, there are people that affects your life like no other. Every step of the way, they will be there. To me, this person resides in my destination for my little vacation. When I first saw her and spent time with her, I found out a lot about her. Many things that I didn't expect and few things that I would have never thought I would be able to deal with. But the more time I spent with her, the more I wanted to spend time with her. To me, she's a diamond in the dust. To me, she's the one person in my life that I care enough about to randomly leave everything behind for a week just to see her again. There are things that she says that I always keep in mind. Little things...little things that usually doesn't matter, but I want to remember because it's something that she enjoys or likes. When I'm walking around by myself, these little things would pop into my head and I would look for it, sometimes smile because it reminds me of her. In the past, whenever I had feelings for a girl, I would be skeptical about telling them because of the fear for rejection. Most time, I would give up...let it go and move on with life. I've always thought that it's the best thing to do because it'll be easier for the girl, make them happier and if I like them, their happiness should come first, right? Makes sense to me. With her, I wasn't sure if I really liked her or not...I wanted to confirm my curiosity and I just started liking her more. From everything that she said about relationships mixed together with my little theory on relationships, I finally decide to put everything aside and ask her to be my girlfriend. Well, dreams are made to be broken as she doesn't feel the same for me. Through past experience, I found that most girls would not date a friend, afraid of losing the friendship if the relationship doesn't work out. I dunno about other guys, but I don't agree with this at all. Life is a learning experience and friends are great for growth, but relationships provide a different type of bond that can allow a person to grow in a different direction. If the friendship falls apart just because the relationship doesn't work out, it says a lot about the friendship to begin with. To be honest, for the longest time I followed the saying, "By turning a friend into a girlfriend/boyfriend, you end up losing a friend." But really, the bond between two people can only be broken if the people involved makes it happen. If both really want to be friends, how can it not workout in the end? This is one of the reasons why I want her to be my girlfriend...because I know we can work out anything. The care, I think, is mutual and if both parties care about each other enough, one will tend to be lenient about the situation and be open to suggestions. Also, I believe that she can help me grow as well as learn about myself. When she said no, it hurt a lot. A lot, a lot. I couldn't understand it and many times I've thought about saying the two words and just letting it go. I know that it'll be easier on her if I just said I'm going to let it go, but for the first time in my life, I refuse to give up...because I know I can make her happier. I'm confident around her...I'm sincere when I'm with her...Most of all, I'm myself. Even though I like her more than just a friend, we are still very close friends. She's very accepting to this idea and it shows her maturity as she doesn't let this get in terms of our friendship. I hope she can still come to me with all her problems because I will treat every single one of those problems like my own and help her through it. Although I know she wants me to move on and find someone that likes me for my own good, I honestly don't want to. Opportunities don't come everyday and when you find something that you truly treasure, you grab hold of it and fight for it. Furthermore, I know I have a lot of competition on my hands, but I'm confident that I can make her happier than anyone else. I don't know where this confidence comes from because I've never had it before, but I know...I just know. I'm tired of looking around when someone as special as her is right in front of me. I'm tired of wondering if girls are compatible with me when I've already found someone that thinks so similar to me. I'm not going to push myself to let go anymore. If one day for some reason, the feeling goes away, so be it, but I've accepted that I do truly have feelings for her...and it's okay. I'm going to prove to her that I can be an amazing boyfriend. I'm going to show her that I am the best for her. I don't think this is one of my "life long forever" fantasies either because I'm willing to accept that it might not work out, but as long as I like her, I'll win her heart over. I know somewhere in her heart, there's a spot for me...I just have to prove to her that I deserve that spot. I know it's a big commitment, but really, what's the hurry? I'm going to follow what I believe this own choice. I may be back in Calgary, but my heart's with the little crystal rabbit that'll hopefully always be near her.
Secret #26: "You are my Superwoman" --- Next post: Gary Cao

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


After post thoughts: Hmm...This is a weird way to post after post thoughts...But I usually find my picture after I do a post and I just want to say...Check out that pimporilla of a phone. I want one plox.

Ah...What a day. After going to school for about an hour, I went over to Campbell's with a few friends and we played some Rockband. First time in a few months and it felt good. Tired, but good. Went to work afterwards and it was okay. A lot to do, and very messy. I hate the feeling of having a mess...Although the appearance of my room does not reflect that feeling at the moment. The feeling of disorganization just annoys me. Sometimes it's okay because there is some order in the disorder, but in an situation like today at work, where I didn't know where shit was and where to put shit as well as being afraid to open a cupboard since all the contents might spill out like a waterfall...That feeling is not good. In the end, I managed to hurt myself again and once again I have a freaking bandage on my finger. I feel like a little kid except I have to suffice with a bandage instead of the all curing "kiss on the boo boo". I never really got that...How does kissing it make it better? I mean if anything, the moisture from the kiss probably will make the cut sting even more no? I'm just kidding, it's the thought behind it that makes everything better, I know, I know, but I'm sure you can understand my bitter cynicism since my treatment for anything when I was young was a good scolding and a bandage. Ah well, it made my cuts better, I guess I can't ask for more =P.

On another note, the last IB exam is coming up on Friday. The all dreadful French...Dun dun dun...Hmm, reminded me of someone right there...So tomorrow I'm staying home and doing some hardcore studying with the tests that the evil French man gave us. I guess it's not a bad thing since I could probably use the practice. Anyway, much like my other tests, I'm going to study my heart out and hope that my best effort will be enough to get me a 5 in the exams. Tomorrow will be terribly boring, but that's okay, I think I still have some study tendencies I can force out...Just hope I don't get distracted too much by more interesting things...Like the dust particles that float around in my room -.-''

Lastly...I tried calling Fang tonight...I said I was going to yesternight, but I was finishing those stupid English responses, which took me until 1:30 in the morning, but I also was able to talk to Lamibao and I think I'll be staying at his house instead of Li's. He'll be able to pick me up on Sunday when I arrive and hopefully, *crosses fingers*, hopefully, I'll be able to stay there for the entire trip. It'll make things a lot more convenient for me and I can always go visit Li, which I definitely plan to do. Okay, got a little distracted there...Anyway, it took me about 45 minutes to finally pluck up the courage to pick up my phone and dial the number. I dunno, I was a little scared to call because...I'm actually not sure...I got really nervous, but I did it in the end! As soon as the number was dialed, I calmed down quite a bit...Just sat there, waiting for someone to pick up on the other side...*Beep...Beep...Beep...* This went on for about 7 or 8 times before I finally decided to hang up. I don't think I dialed the wrong number...No I'm sure I dialed it right...She was probably just busy or her phone was out of money...Maybe I dialed the area code wrong...Haha, anyway, I didn't get to talk to her, which made me a little sad. But that's okay because I'll see her in a few days...FEW days! Ah...That made me smile. Yea...I just wanted to talk to her and tell her my plan for going to Vancouver...Seeing as how she was slightly opposed of my first plan: Run around Vancouver on a bus until I reach my destination =). I guess that was pretty stupid...Haha, but now with Lamibao picking me up, everything will be okay right? Right. I hope he can...I hope he can...I hope he can...He said he's 99% sure...but that's still not 100%...Okay, I'm not gonna think about it anymore. That's all for now...I'll be peacing it. Take care people =P. Three Days!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Time Ticks Away

Wow, it's been a while hasn't it. Sure feels like it. But my IB exams are almost completely done (Just have 2 French papers to write, which who the hell really cares about), then I'm basically off the hook for high school! The sound of that is pretty sweet. Three bloody years of this IB shit and it sure feels good to have it all over and done with. So much I want to say, so little time...What am I talking about, I don't have to go to school tomorrow! You know why? Because I don't feel like it and teachers don't expect me to be there so life's good. I dunno, let's make a list of things that I should talk about so I can slowly ramble upon those things while my life ticks away: Exams, I must tell my wonderful journey to Hell and back. Umm...Badminton, it's not that important, but I feel like talking about it. Let's see...Oh yes, the awful family shit that happened during my journey to Hell. Annnd last, but DEFINITELY not least, trip to Vancouver in 6 days! Oh wow...Just saying it makes me tingle. Alright, so as you all know, I'll probably go off to some weird tangent so this list is basically useless xD.

Let us commence. Exam week...Wow just wow, most intense and yet relatively quick week of my life. Starting last Monday, I descended into the pits of Hell not knowing what to expect, except preparing for the worst through out the past few weeks made things a little easier. Hmm...So last Monday I had an English Paper 1. Tuesday, History Paper 1 and Paper 2. Wednesday, History Paper 3. Thursday, Chemistry Paper 1 and Paper 2. Friday Chemistry Paper 3. Today English Paper 2 (I dunno why they divided English up like this, go bug the world if you wanna know). Lastly, I have my two French papers on Friday. If you add all that shit up, it counts up to 10 bloody papers. Each day past by basically with wake up, study on bus, test, go home, study at home, sleep, wake up...etc. A ruthless cycle, but I think during the past month, maybe not that long, I've studied the hardest I've studied since...Ever. I don't really know why...I guess part of it has to do with me wanting to prove to myself that I could do it and do it well. Prove to myself that I am, in fact, ready for the wonders of academics in University. I think I did alright so far. I'm not going to say how well I did because I always tend to guess wrong. I just want to get a 5 at least, but having the rare 7 pop up will put the biggest grin on my face. In the end, I am proud of what I've tried to do, managed to do and the amount of effort, yes effort, that I put into the studying and writing of these horribly long and tedious tests. I hope the mark will reflect my effort. One of my biggest motivations to do well in these exams is the fact that my entrance to UT depends on them. I have to get 28 points in the end without getting lower than a 5 in any of my pre-requisite courses (I'm praying that's not French because well...It's French and I'd be happy if I pass the exam). So with that pushing me and always nudging me at the back of my head, I was able to put down the books and actually study. It's pretty amazing, the text book that I was never able to read and understand these three years, finally made sense to me when I was going through some of it. The wonders that concentration can do for you hey? Anyway, the exams are almost done and I have 3 days to review and relax before my bloody French exams. I'm going to enjoy the time off...The feel of freedom...*Music* I believe I can fly...*End Music*

Haha, so during the latter half of the past week, my parents weren't getting along very well...To say the least. It was pretty upsetting...Every time I was able to collect my thoughts, it would disperse because of the...Noise coming from downstairs. More than a few times have I had to physically stop the two and put my studying aside. *sigH* I don't understand them. I wish they could just divorce already. They don't get along and living under the same roof just causes bad things to happen. Especially for my baby sister...Goodness...When I read what she wrote at the bottom of her homework in very small letterings, it broke my heart. I broke down for the first time in many months and I just couldn't handle it anymore. This was during the night of my Chemistry Paper 3, which I was not prepared for at all and I NEEDED the time to study, but I couldn't. I didn't know what to do. I felt like I was going to die...I didn't know what I could do, I didn't know what I should do, I just felt trapped and along with my broken heart, I called Pastor Lin. First time in my life, I couldn't depend on myself, I had to talk to someone that had experience beyond my imagining and I had to go to God. I told him my problems and he already knew a lot of it because my father talked to him too and just those words of comfort, with a voice filled with experience and wisdom calmed me down. As expected, he asked me to pray...Pray for my parents...My family. And I did...Thursday night...Almost midnight, with the rain pouring down, I was on my knees in front of my house, asking God to help me...Help them...Help my poor baby sister. To be honest, I still don't consider myself a Christian. I don't like the idea of having one religion because that idea of constraint and rules about a belief just doesn't work for me. I do believe that there is something that's protecting us. I choose to call him (Yea yea, bitch about my sexist tendencies) God. I'm sure he's willing to help us whenever we're in trouble, but the difference is, I still want to do everything on my own. I don't believe that God will lead us to the path of a perfect life because life shouldn't be perfect. I think God is there to lend a hand when we need it, and watch us grow and live when we don't need help. Anyway, that's a bit of my religious spiel. Things are a bit better with my parents now and I like to think that God has something to do with it because I definitely know that my parents won't be able to change if their lives depended on it. Pastor Lin also prayed for my test the following day and it turned out okay...Better than I expected because I was just cramming in the last couple of hours before the exam. I thought it was nice of Pastor Lin to do so. My dad started planting stuff in the garden. I think it'll help him a lot, giving him something to do so he's not always taking his frustrations out on the family. I dunno though, my hopes still aren't high, but I'll ask God for some help every night. Also, I hope that my sister will be okay as she grows up. I just want her to have a good childhood. I don't want her to be crying herself to bed at night or anything like that. There's so much I wanna do for her, but I won't be able to help her as much as I want to...But hopefully she'll be able to figure things out for herself...I was talking to Ahmad and she made a lot of sense when she told me that my sister should be able to do this herself...Also I can talk to her on the phone whenever she needs someone. I'll ask God for some help with that too...If anyone else can...Want to, please help me do so too...I know many of you are atheists, but even the mere gesture would mean a lot. I really don't know how to approach this situation anymore. Thanks.

On a happier note, badminton has been pretty good lately. I've been wanting to play a lot and I want to improve faster, but just don't have the time or the people to play with. I met some cool kids from different schools when I went to watch at Zones, but I haven't been able to get together with any of them to play some badminton yet. Hopefully I'll be able to sometime soon...Still have the itch, but I don't think I'll be able to play for a while...Unless I somehow get to play in Vancouver xP. But I am going to go sing on Friday. It'll be pretty fun. Going with the Grade 11s. They're not bad, although I wish some of my friends would tag along, but I guess you can't ask for everything in the world right? xP. Hmm...This just in, might be able to play badminton tomorrow...Wooo haha...Okay, I kinda lost all my train of thoughts on this, so let's move on to...VANCOUVER!

Okay so 6 days...No, no 5 days until I leave for Vancouver. I couldn't be more stoked right now. I'll be able to see all my friends, trying to plan everyday out. To be honest, I don't think I'll be able to spend that much time with them...I'll be there during school so all of them will be in school. I'm staying at Li's and he's pretty far from Burnaby which is where the rest of my friends are and I'm not really sure how I'm going to be able to work that out. But the fact is that I'm going! Finally going! I'll be able to see Fang for the first time in...A LONG LONG TIME! Just a little excited if you haven't noticed by now haha. I'm actually not sure how I'll be able to meet her, but I'll find a way. Just one day...One day with her will make the entire trip worthwhile. I'm also talking to Li right now and he's trying to get everything prepared for my trip haha. The only problem right now is I don't know where to go after I get in Vancouver. He can't pick me up because he has work, so I guess I don't really know where to go. Maybe Fang can pick me up if she got her license...But after those couple of mishaps, I'm not sure if she has it yet >.<. Ah well, I'll find a way right? If I don't, I'll just stay at the airport I guess...You know, I really should be worried about it, but whenever I think of the idea of being in Vancouver, being able to actually reach Fang, it just makes all the worry go away. Just how I feel right now...I hope she did alright on her AP exams...Hopefully she'll be able to relax when I get there. I dunno...I really wanna talk to her right now...Too little time spent talking to her the past week because of my exams. Hmm...Maybe I'll call her tomorrow. Yea, I'll do that...It'll be a surprise. Just want to know how she's doing with everything...Hope her little dilemma has cooled down a little bit. Aight, I'm kinda tired from writing. This is a pretty incoherent post, but meh...I'll be on to post more soon. Until next time...Later days =P.
Secret #25: Do you think about the moment that we'll meet as much as I do? I wish I knew how you felt, so I can tell you how I feel.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

One, Two --- Eighteen

Just a short shout out to Lee as she turned 18 today...Finally hey? Hope that she had a good birthday and she gets better from the bug soon. 18 years is a pretty long time...There's still many more years to come, look forward to it. Aim for the sky and you'll get there...Hopefully while doing a cork five in Whistler xP. That picture is for you kiddo...I want to see you doing that one day...And an autographed picture for me haha...

Treasure the memories and look forward to the future...One moment at a time.