Wednesday, May 14, 2008


After post thoughts: Hmm...This is a weird way to post after post thoughts...But I usually find my picture after I do a post and I just want to say...Check out that pimporilla of a phone. I want one plox.

Ah...What a day. After going to school for about an hour, I went over to Campbell's with a few friends and we played some Rockband. First time in a few months and it felt good. Tired, but good. Went to work afterwards and it was okay. A lot to do, and very messy. I hate the feeling of having a mess...Although the appearance of my room does not reflect that feeling at the moment. The feeling of disorganization just annoys me. Sometimes it's okay because there is some order in the disorder, but in an situation like today at work, where I didn't know where shit was and where to put shit as well as being afraid to open a cupboard since all the contents might spill out like a waterfall...That feeling is not good. In the end, I managed to hurt myself again and once again I have a freaking bandage on my finger. I feel like a little kid except I have to suffice with a bandage instead of the all curing "kiss on the boo boo". I never really got that...How does kissing it make it better? I mean if anything, the moisture from the kiss probably will make the cut sting even more no? I'm just kidding, it's the thought behind it that makes everything better, I know, I know, but I'm sure you can understand my bitter cynicism since my treatment for anything when I was young was a good scolding and a bandage. Ah well, it made my cuts better, I guess I can't ask for more =P.

On another note, the last IB exam is coming up on Friday. The all dreadful French...Dun dun dun...Hmm, reminded me of someone right there...So tomorrow I'm staying home and doing some hardcore studying with the tests that the evil French man gave us. I guess it's not a bad thing since I could probably use the practice. Anyway, much like my other tests, I'm going to study my heart out and hope that my best effort will be enough to get me a 5 in the exams. Tomorrow will be terribly boring, but that's okay, I think I still have some study tendencies I can force out...Just hope I don't get distracted too much by more interesting things...Like the dust particles that float around in my room -.-''

Lastly...I tried calling Fang tonight...I said I was going to yesternight, but I was finishing those stupid English responses, which took me until 1:30 in the morning, but I also was able to talk to Lamibao and I think I'll be staying at his house instead of Li's. He'll be able to pick me up on Sunday when I arrive and hopefully, *crosses fingers*, hopefully, I'll be able to stay there for the entire trip. It'll make things a lot more convenient for me and I can always go visit Li, which I definitely plan to do. Okay, got a little distracted there...Anyway, it took me about 45 minutes to finally pluck up the courage to pick up my phone and dial the number. I dunno, I was a little scared to call because...I'm actually not sure...I got really nervous, but I did it in the end! As soon as the number was dialed, I calmed down quite a bit...Just sat there, waiting for someone to pick up on the other side...*Beep...Beep...Beep...* This went on for about 7 or 8 times before I finally decided to hang up. I don't think I dialed the wrong number...No I'm sure I dialed it right...She was probably just busy or her phone was out of money...Maybe I dialed the area code wrong...Haha, anyway, I didn't get to talk to her, which made me a little sad. But that's okay because I'll see her in a few days...FEW days! Ah...That made me smile. Yea...I just wanted to talk to her and tell her my plan for going to Vancouver...Seeing as how she was slightly opposed of my first plan: Run around Vancouver on a bus until I reach my destination =). I guess that was pretty stupid...Haha, but now with Lamibao picking me up, everything will be okay right? Right. I hope he can...I hope he can...I hope he can...He said he's 99% sure...but that's still not 100%...Okay, I'm not gonna think about it anymore. That's all for now...I'll be peacing it. Take care people =P. Three Days!

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