Saturday, May 31, 2008


Hurrah, I have graduated from the greatness of high school. Do I feel happy? Not really. Do I feel accomplished? Kinda. Do I feel relieved? Definitely. The graduation ceremony was yestermorning and it was actually quite fun. Took pictures and got to wear a spiffy gown. I, personally, enjoyed wearing that big maroon coloured robe. Felt like a wizard...mmhmm. The ceremony went pretty well...and soon afterwards the banquet started. I didn't want to go, but I ended up going. It's no big deal really, but it was entertaining. Everything was put together pretty well and the speeches were quite fun. Only thing that bugged me during the banquet was towards the end, Du was pretty upset. I still don't know what happened, but I can't help but worry...that's just would worry too if a friend was in trouble, no? Anyway, I hope she's alright. She's a strong girl though...I should have more faith in her...

After the ceremony ended, I went to a little get together. Had some alcohol and played some games. It was quite during the process of these games, I found out that there were actually names for different styles of dresses. Crazy ass names too. Also, I have found a sense of pride in my knowledge regarding pokemon. That's right, I am the can all shut up now. In the process of it all, I got the dance that I wanted. It was special to me. I'll treasure those 4 minutes forever. Nevertheless, in the end, it was just a dance, a dance with a very good friend that can I relate to on many different levels. A friend that helps me through life's many obstacles and a friend that's been a crucial part of my high school life. For this, I say thank you. It wouldn't have been MY proper graduation without you.

With that said, I stayed up until 4 or 5 in the morning...(I could barely walk for a period of time, gimme a break for not remembering the exact time). I talked and thought about a lot of things regarding life. Although I had quite a bit of alcohol in my system, my thought process was still chugging along. My friend said a lot about people in general. As of now, I am very confused about a lot of things. I don't really know how to say it, but there are many things in life that I should really reconsider my actions. I'm still a long way from understanding it and I use this as a motivation to continue to experience and grow. I need to be patient...much, much more patient. "You're probably the biggest drama-queen out of all of us." This has been said to me once by a dear's always stuck with me. I finally see that I do make mountains out of mole hills a lot of times. I need to learn to accept, to not expect the worst or best of things to happy. I've been living in my little fantasy world a little too long. I want to learn what reality is now...learn how to live. Not in the past, not in the future, not in my mind, but in the present. It'll take a while, but if I pay attention to it, I'll be sure to be able to get over myself and accept who I really am. Be happy about myself and not live life purely for others. Although I will always be a hopeless romantic, always in search of love, I can use this lesson to find a type of real love, not the type you see in movies =P. I'm still very young, I still have lots to learn and I will continue to live life pursuing happiness and experience. As of May 30, 2008, I have graduated from not only high school, but from a chapter of my life.
Secret #28: Congratulations Fang. Hope your graduation ceremony will be a memorable one.

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