Sunday, July 20, 2008

"The One with Friends"

Well, it's Sunday night and here I am, taping away at my keyboard working on another post. I think I like posting the most on Sunday nights...I don't really know exactly why...but I think it's got to do with something along the lines of the end of a week and it's time to recap everything sort of...thing. The weekend's been pretty good. I had work today. It was good...busy, so that made time go by a lot faster. Made lots of sales and the most accomplished thing I think I did today was buy myself a pair of aviators. Yup, that's right, after 2 years of torturing myself with wanting these things, I saw them for a pretty cheap price and decided to go with it. I think they're pretty nice and the best thing is, they fit me well. First pair of any glasses that I put on and felt "they belong!" you know? See, it may not seem like it's a very big deal to you, but with my Asian bone structure and nose, finding glasses in North America without feeling like they're going to slip off any second is extremely difficult. Yea, it's pretty awesome. I think they're mirrored too...bonus.

Anyway, I think the title of this post pretty much gives away what I'm going to talk about today...if you don't recognize the "The One with..." beginning, I'm sorry, but get your ass on a couch and watch some T.V.! Please, for your own sake. It's ripped off from the sitcom FRIENDS. Yea, the one with New York. Moving on, a few days ago, I was talking to Du about a way to distract me from the university situation and she mentioned watching every episode of FRIENDS. Well...long story short, that's what I'm doing now. I finished the first was fun. I'm sure anyone that's watched the show can relate to at least one of the characters in some ways. I'm pretty sure that's why people like it so much. They got everything in there...the control freak, the weird one, the pimp, the spoiled little girl, the funny one and of course...Ross. You see, I'm not quite sure how to generalize him because "a dorky paleontologist" just doesn't seem to be a stereotype these days. But continuing, their life together seems so great. A lot of times, when I'm watching it, I'm picturing my future with my own little group of close close friends. Of course, they all met when they were in college, so I still have time to make a little circle of close friends. I mean, they do everything together! Even ridicule each other of the people they're going out cool is that? Just because some friends tell you that they don't think you and the person your dating is compatible, you're willing to listen to your friends and dump the that kind of trust is real trust. Because I've been watching FRIENDS very excessively these days, I've been kinda trying to place my friends as the know you've all done it, shut up. But when I try...I can't really pin point anyone in particular...and with some thinking and an experience from yesterday, I think I understand the reason is because I'm not as close to anyone as the characters in FRIENDS are with each other. Understandable right? I mean they've all known each other for a billion years...I, on the hand, have not known anyone for that long =P. That's okay though...I'm pretty happy with the friends I have right now, even if we're not all that close. Someday though, someday, I hope to find friends like that.

Now, another reason why I wanted to make this post. You know the "experience" I...experienced yesterday? Yea, that kind of made me open my eyes a little bit. Okay, so last night, I took my sister out to Taco Bell. I don't know...kinda wanted to spend some time with her. Anyway, since Du left her jacket at my house a very long time ago when she was showing my parents knives, I decided to bring it to her house since I got the car and didn't feel like going home. So I got there and initially, I planned to give her, her jacket and take my sister to go play at some park for a while then go home, but her mom invited us in and my sister seemed to want to stay for a bit, so I decided why not. I didn't know her parents had their close friends over so a lot of Du's old friends from Queen Elizabeth were there. It was pretty enjoyable chilling with them, playing some pool, playing some card games. But after a while, my sister wanted to leave so I took her to leave. (Don't worry, I'll get to my point soon, be patient.) Yea, so I was about to drive home when my sister looked at me and said, "too bad we couldn't play at the park." Her eyes were tearing up a little bit and it was the cutest thing I've ever seen. Haha, so of course, I took her to the little playground near Du's and she played there for an hour or so. It was nice...playing with my baby sister...I'll probably not have many chances in the future. Soon she'll be my age and I'll be balding. So yea, it was really nice taking my sister out. Back to the main point, when I was hanging out with Du and her friends, I got a vibe. It was a vibe of...not belonging. It wasn't anything in the realm of them not including me or anything, but it's just a vibe. They were very nice with everything, but a part of me felt like there was a barrier separating me from them. When I was thinking about this on the way home, I remembered something Du told me a couple of times in the past. "My best friends." I finally understood why she missed them so much. When I was there, it felt like they were puzzle pieces to a puzzle and when they're together, everything felt complete. The atmosphere was fresh...and although it felt like they had their differences, everyone belonged. They're all going to UWO next year and with that, I'm sure there will be many more memories and they'll be even closer after the university experience. I envy, feel happy for her. She has a great group of friends and she cherishes them very much. I wish the best to them all in the future and maybe someday, I'll be able to create that special bond with my own group of friends.

Alright, that's pretty much all I wanted to say about Friends...but I have some random things on my mind so I'll just let it out now. Yesterday, Yang was also as Du's. Even though we can laugh around each other still felt like he kind of resents me. I'm probably wrong, but it's just a feeling. When we were playing felt like he really wanted to for some reason, I didn't want to win. I mean, I tried, but the outcome didn't matter to me...which was weird because I love pool. Anyway, by the end of the night, I kind of wanted to just go up to him and tell him that he has nothing to worry about with me and Du. I wanted to clear everything up, but in the end, I decided it was best to just let things be. In a month, I'll probably never see him again so it doesn't really matter at this point. Yea...just wanted to let that out.

On another note, Collins left me a comment on my last post and it's been bugging me a while now, but every time someone comments on my posts, I tend to just leave it most of the time. It's not that I don't want to respond...I just feel like a major tool bag leaving comments on my own thing. So from now on, any comment will be responded to in the next this case...this post. I think I'm done for the night...I don't think I organized this post very well...meh whatever. Later days =P.

Response: Thank you "Collins" (I would call you by your first name, but I just can't bring myself to do so, I'm sorry). All I can say is, I hope that when I find that girl, she'll appreciate the little things =P.
Secret #34: Am I giving up?

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