Friday, December 19, 2008

Going Home

Today was the last day of my finals...I have officially completed one of eight semesters of my undergrad life. It feels...nothing's probably due to the atmosphere of the residence. Pretty much everyone has gone home and I would be too if it wasn't for the stupid winter storm that managed to scare my dad in rearranging my flight one day later. *sigH* sitting here all by myself in a hotel that's pretty much empty is quite a feels so cold. No one to celebrate with, no one to talk to...just me sitting here staring into the screen. So what comes to my mind after 5 hours of blankly staring? "Let's blog about something".

Life's been pretty stale recently...nothing to look back on, nothing to look forward to. This past week seemed like the longest week of my life...every time I flip open my cellphone a moment of happiness comes to me, but disappears just as quickly as it comes. The exams were...yea...they're over...I think I passed all my courses, but I'm not even sure I did...there was no motivation this semester to do anything academically, it was pretty sad, but hopefully next semester will be better. This past week, I realized how alone I am here at's not a bad feeling though...feels peaceful...I guess I never noticed before because there was always someone I could go to, but this past week, I had no felt felt like something was missing and I was constantly waiting for it to come back. Patiently of course, without any sense of urgency. Just letting the seconds tick away as my next exam came. It was a weird feeling that I can't really put my finger on...maybe I'll have a better clue about it the next time I experience it.

Tomorrow, I'm going back to Calgary...still not sure what I'm going to do...there's not much I want to do. Singing K is an option, but it's not like an urge...playing badminton lay about the same grounds...I do however want to get my hands on the SNES controller with Hadi by my side to own some Shredder ass though...that's definitely a must do. Other than that, I'm probably just gonna relax, work out and do some studying. Yea...studying. Probably going to have to look through computer programming and write some little programs because if I don't get my ass back in gear for that class, I'm definitely going to be majorly fucked next semester. Celebrate my little sister's birthday. And yes, I got her a little thing for her birthday. It's a teddy bear wearing a hoody that says "Someone at U of T Loves Me". Good old bookstores...they carry everything. At first I thought the bear was an ugly little thing, but it grows on you after a while so I guess it's not terrible =P. Other than that, I didn't get anyone else anything...not really in the holiday spirit this year...I dunno, maybe it'll grow on me? We'll see, I'm expecting a pretty mellowed out winter break...I kinda need it =P.

On another note, shit...I forgot what I wanted to say...c'mon...c'mon...OH, yes. A couple of days ago Du recommended a manga called "Bartender" to me. As always, I said I'll look at it someday and I guess today was the day. It came a lot faster than most of the other times, but I had a lot of time on my hands today so why not right? It's not bad...I have an idea that the manga is trying to portray some deep life lessons in the story line, but I'm just too damn lazy to try to figure it out. It gives off a pretty chillaxed mood though, that's why I like it. The main character looks so relaxed all the time, it's contagious...I know, I know, it's a cartoon...but don't judge before you read it, I'll bet you get the same feeling too. I looked at the anime for a bit too, but it was way duller than the manga. Gave off the same vibe, but like most manga turn anime (with the exception of Beck), it's a piece of shit. But yea, if you're bored and you wanna take your mind off the world, check it out, it's not bad.

One last thing before I go do something else completely unproductive...I need some new bloody songs...oh yes, speaking of music, Jay Chou's concert was yesterday! He lived right across from my residence and a lot of people saw him walking around downtown, shopping at Eaton Centre. It's pretty cool...pretty much the first time I've ever been so close to a celebrity. I didn't go to the concert though...I had an exam, but I heard it was pretty sick. My friend from Calgary came from London, Ontario to see it and she was living with her friend in Chestnut so she managed to give me some video clips of the concert at the ACC. It's pretty cool. Anyway, not a big deal, but it was something that happened that kept me awake these past couple of days =P. But yes...I digress, I NEED NEW MUSIC! I need some new tunes man...something doesn't feel right anymore...maybe it's because I have only like 30 songs and I keep playing it over and over again, but I still need new music. Just too bloody lazy to get any. If anyone have some good suggestions, please, let me is my life and I think I'm half dying =P. I thank you in advance. Alright, enough of this...until next time...later days =P.

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