Sunday, October 28, 2007

The Unspeakable Secret

Wow, it's almost been a week since I've posted anything...Is there a reason? Probably not, but I feel like there is one hidden in the back of my mind. This week has been fairly fast going, productive I guess. The first three days of the week went by like a jet, especially since we had Wednesday off. I forgot what happened Thursday and Friday completely...haha. Hmm...On Monday...I forget, on Tuesday I played badminton, which was good. Wednesday...I got ditched after I ditched and the weekend began...My long, facinating weekend that went by way too fast. I don't want to go to school tomorrow, but I guess I'll have to. Back into the dreaded atmosphere of routine and drama. *sigH* It's okay though, only 242 days left...It's slowly dwindling down...I wonder if I'll miss my classmates when I leave...I've been wondering about that for a long while now...Still don't seem to have come to a conclusion as of yet....Maybe one day soon though...Maybe.

Badminton's getting more and more fun everyday. Every time I get out of my chair, I want to hold a racket and practise something because I know I still have a long way to go before I'm able to complete with anyone to a great extent. But it keeps me from doing stupid things, saying stupid things so I really appreciate it. It's like a remedy to all my worries, as soon as I'm holding a racket, everything goes away and it's time to play. I'm not sure if I'll get good enough to get a medal at cities this year, but hopefully, my hard work will pay off someday...Even though, I wouldn't mind at all if it didn't since badminton as already done so much for me. I have 9 more classes left, next one on Tuesday, I can't wait to try out my new backhand... as a great man once said, "When you can backhand smash, you will be sexy." He was probably Asian because well...I'd like to think so =P.

This weekend was quite nice, got a few things done. Got the present for Keay, which I'm very happy with, and is on the verge of getting my library card. Yea.. After 5 years in Calgary, I'm finally gonna get a library card...Mostly forced because of the EE and IA, but I guess it doesn't hurt to open a book once in a while. Today I tutored English. I like helping people. Especially teaching, I found out. Whether it's coaching badminton, going through the steps in a Math problem or finding ways to make English easier to learn, it's fun. In the end, I end up helping someone else and once in a while get a "Thank you". It feels nice when you feel appreciated...but that's another topic for another time.

Now to come to the title of this blog. No I don't intend to tell anyone a secret, rather it's a movie that I watched this weekend. It's directed and played by Jay Chow and after watching it, my respect for him has once again rose from that sudden claps when I heard his new album. It's a great movie that mixes romance with fantasy. A love story that fits in perfectly with how I picture love to be. How many times, I've gone through the same scenarios over and over again. It's like having my thoughts on the big screen. I love this movie. It made me realize my true self once again. Why I'm a hopeless romantic and why I'll probably never change that part of me. It also gave me some hope for myself, even though it was a movie. None the less, it's good to know that there are other people in this world that still haven't given up on romance. The female actress was also amazing. She was extremely pretty and gave a sense of playfulness that just rings through your head days after you've watched the movie. Anyway, I'm not going to go through every detail of the movie just in case it somehow makes its way to North America, but I'd like to share a little melody from the movie. It probably won't have the same effect for you guys as it did to me, but I think it's nice. It's called Angel and it doesn't have lyrics so all the better.

Think that's gonna be all for today. I'm very glad my heart doesn't feel like it's being stabbed by a thousand needles anymore. Hopefully someday soon it'll be back to the way it was...Later days =P.

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