Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Phew, freaking done exams for a while...Also the IA is outta the way. Feels good...Gonna have a couple of days to relax before going ape shit on my EE v.v''.

So...Exams were pre...Ah fuck it, they're done!

I went to work today...A lady tried to pay me in "pence"...Wtf? Do I have an English accent? Do you see people running around in tall hats drinking tea? "Pardon me madam, but you're a bloody chocolate bar dipped in vanilla icing." Did that make sense? Yea, neither did the lady. Freaking idiots these days....Pence...The fuck?...Have to admit, it was pretty funny..."Oh...You mean that's not a dime?" No shit lady, it says "five pence" right on the coin! I know they can be easily mistaken by their size, but you were rummaging through your little purse trying to find change...If I'm not wrong, I think the possibility of you randomly choosing a dime is great than a pence...Just putting it out there, ya know?

On another note, my hands hurt...Spurts of needle prickling pain...It'll go away right? Yes...Must be something I ate >.>.

So tomorrow is gonna be the last day before exam break...Can't wait, it'll be a nice rest...right after the other rest that we just had...Yes I'm a lazy bugger and proud of it.

Can't stop looking over...Stop Jak...Control yourself...*Zen*

Okay, that's enough for now...Wow...Just read it over...What a bunch of random bullshit. Interesting...Enjoy ladies and gents; until next time...Later days =P.
Secret #12: I wonder if she thinks about me as much as I do her...

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