Sunday, June 1, 2008

Tiring Weekend... I'm sitting here...extremely tired, taping away at my keyboard not really knowing what to type...Just whatever comes to mind actually. It's been a long weekend...working everyday with long shifts and having to deal with people can really be a pain in the ass sometimes. But I made it through the weekend...and tomorrow I'm going to go sing KTV with Du and Piao. It should be fun...I want to sing...and I want to play badminton (okay, that came out of no where), but I'm not really sure when the next time I'll be able to play badminton will be. Usually I play on Fridays, but this Friday, I'm probably going to go sing KTV again with a different friend v.v''. I feel fat and out of shape when I don't do physical activity, but standing and walking around for 7, 8 hours a day should be enough right? Yes...I'm going to say it is because that's all the "excercise I've done in the past two days. Yea, that's right, I am a fit young *nod nod*

God...I'm so bloody tired right now...listening to the rain outside is quite refreshing though, but I think I really want to go to bed...Yea, I think I'll do that soon...soon I will be in bed. That's good news...okay this really isn't going anywhere so I'm going to change the topic now.I'm trying something right now that my friend seems to like to do...on her blog. Sometimes, she'll close her eyes and let her fingers be her mind and just type whatever comes up. At the moment I have my eyes closed and the sound of my keyboard taping away really is quite enjoyable...Although sometimes, I do have to admit that I open my eyes a LITTLE bit just to see if I'm still typing properly...I try not to, and I kind of what to just leave it the way it is, however it turns out to be, but it shows my natural anal tendencies...Yes, I think I just have proven to myself that I am infact, very anal retentive...That's okay though, just one little step towards accepting who I really am no? Yes, I think so.

Most days, I would go home and look through my daily blog sites...see if anything new is up. Recently, no one seems to be in the mood of typing...or posting. I really enjoy reading the posts of my close friends though. It's really matter what it's about, I always seem to have a feeling of satisfaction and understanding after reading a short blog of something that's happened in the life of any of my friends. I think it helps getting to know people a little better. I think it's important for people to have a little place where they can just write what's on their mind...let things go and just be yourself. Although many people tend to censor a lot of things because we, as humans, enjoy our privacy, me included, it's still interesting to see what people have to say about their friends. I guess I am a curious little much as I don't want to intrude on other people's lives, there is a part of me that just wants to know about everything. A good balance is required...and I'm looking for that balance. I think I've done an alright job so far...just need to keep it up and keep improving I suppose. One friend of mine haven't posted in a long long time now...I guess it's no big deal, but to be honest, I want to know a little about what's gonig on in her life right now....but I guess all I can really do is wait and see what happens.. Maybe if I click on her page numerous times (not like I already don't do it enough already), magically a post will appear xP. Hey, it can happen...never doubt the power of magic...I have worn a robe, I know how it feels to be a wizard...that's right.

Alright, That's enough rubbish for today. Just wanted to type up something without actually thinking about it...Hopefully I didn't make too many mistakes...although I'll go back through this post and fix any mistake that I actually did make v.v''. Anyway, I'm tired...going to check over my post and fall alseep. Looking forward to a brand new should too. xP.

Oh my goodness, I just realized that today's actually the first day of June! Happy Children's Day everyone! (Qian was most excited to remind me it was infact Children's Day). If you don't know what it're probably not asian enough to understand...If you do know what I"m talking about...Have a great...15 minutes of what's remaining xP. Alright...time to REALLY go...*Walks away*

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