Monday, December 24, 2007

Last Minute Shoppers

Woo...So it's been a while I've posted anything and that's because I've been busy as hell serving idiot Christmas shoppers for 3 days straight...But it's been alright I 'suppose. Helped a bunch of people out, and probably made back the money I spent on Christmas presents. Haha...Today was the last day of the craziness...And I never thought "Last Minute Shoppers" actually meant last minute shoppers. This one guy got his present right at 4:59 and the mall closes at 5:00...It was intense...You'd think, being Christmas Eve, people would get their shit together and wake up early to get their gifts...Nope, the last hour of the day was the busiest of all...Which is fine because we've made our budget 9 days in a roll and I'm waiting on a huge bonus this paycheck XD.

Okay...Let's play catchup...So Friday was last day of school before winter break...A day that I've actually been looking forward to this year. Need some fucking rest of school, people, so basically life in general =P. The week prior to Christmas break was pretty fun actually. Presents, presents, presents...This year, I did actual Christmas shopping...Don't worry, I have my reasons xP. I wanted to get some going away presents for some of my close friends and since a couple of them are pretty close to Christmas, might as well get it together. I felt this Christmas was a lot more satisfying...Mainly because the gift I gave probably had a lot more thought into it than anything...I even wrapped the presents! Mind you, it was pain in the ass, but I thought it would be appropriate =P. To be honest, I didn't really jump out of my pants for the presents I got, but I wasn't really expecting anything from anyone, so the presents I got from my friends were just a big bonus on top of the reactions I saw from my friends. Anyway, I got Collins and Hadi their going away presents...I could not have been happier with them. I hope years later from now, they can look at those things and think back to high school full of nostalgia. Hopefully they can remember me as someone important in their life just as I do, them. Three more going away presents to go. I've decided on one, but the other two are pretty tough...I've already begun thinking of something original that I can put on there that can reflect their relationship with me along with the gift...I think I have some in mind, but...Hmm...I should write some of these things down so when the time comes, it'll be easier...To get the presents...And to let go. As time winds down, I think saying goodbye this year will be pretty hard...Especially to these few people whom made a pretty big impact on my life...Will I say goodbye individually? How can I sum everything together into words in such a short period of time? I think about these things and there are slight instances where I don't want to leave, but...For a lack of better words, I have to.

*Break* My fucking god...I think I'm gonna cough out blood now...Water time...

Okay...Think my throat's gonna be okay for ten more minutes...Anyway, on Friday I got a puppy...Stuffed animal of course, from Ahmad. It's sooo soft! I've hugged it to sleep for two nights now...Makes me fall asleep so fast, it's insane. Although I always wake up not knowing where it is, I manage to find it in the crevices of my bed =P. It's pretty cool. Also got a 3x3 rubix cube from Campbell. I've been trying to figure how to do the first and second layer (Yea I know you all care, STFU) at the same time, and I think I've got the basics, just need to remember specifics so that it works all the time xP. Yea, these two things have kept me amused the past few days. I also have the feeling that my sister wants to steal the puppy...

Okay...We're about caught up now. Today...So today I went to work and I bumped into Collins, she was shopping with her mom and it was nice to see a friendly face, to say the least. Also saw Nourian at the store...To top the day off, I found out he was buying Sponiar his Christmas present and guess what it was...ROOT LICORICE! Hahahaha, that made me laugh. Anyway, spending Christmas Eve alone tonight...Parents went to party, didn't really feel like going with them. Too tired to go sit with some random girl by the computer for 5 hours. I'd rather do that by myself xP. I also have the HUGE urge to watch "Pursuit of Happyness" right now...Think I might download it so I can have something to do tomorrow...Very...Early...Tomorrow. Alright, I think I've said enough for one post. I'm gonna post up "Second Chance" by Faber Drive. Just a random song I had a while back and I'm really enjoying it right now. I think I'm gonna sing a Chinese song and post it up soon...Hopefully that'll go over well xP. Anyway, go find the lyrics yourself...I'm too tired and lazy to do anything tonight xP. Ah...I hate you guys...Feel bad for not posting it up...*mutters*...There you go, the damn word is hyper linked. Haha...I have a feeling that people will have a very hard time following this post...XD. Until next time...Later days =P.
Secret #5: Du, Ahmad and Lee are the last three people who I'm gonna give going away presents to...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

"People deserve second chances... but not third."