Sunday, December 16, 2007

The Notebook

Busy day of work today...As Christmas comes around, everything's getting busier...So tired...But it's nice to know that I'm doing something productive. Bought some presents today...I think about 2 more to go...And I have the presents in mind...Just dunno if I should get them...Ah well, that's for later anyway =P.

Moving on...I watched The Notebook when I got home today. It's a good movie...A lot better second time around. I almost cried...ALMOST, but I didn't. I actually wanted to cry though...I dunno why...Just a feeling. It's such a bitter sweet movie, kinda hurts. How often do you fall in love, end up with your first love, but in the end...Well I won't ruin it for those who haven't seen it. I kinda feel for the guy a little more than the girl though...Envious...Admire...For everything he's willing to do. All the sacrifices he makes...But I guess in the end, the affection that he receives back is worth it all. Even if in the end, it's in little bits and pieces...Just the fact that he knows she still loves him would keep him from giving up...Shows no matter what, love has to be both ways for two people to stay together...How true this is...How true this is...

Anyway, good movie. Still trying to force some water droplets from my tear glands, but it's not working too well...Think I'm too tired to make anything in my body work =P...Maybe tomorrow, I'll try again...Haha...Until next time...Later days =P.
Secret #4: I might have wanted to cry because of the movie...But maybe it was because of remembering when I watched it the first time...

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