Sunday, August 24, 2008


Ever done something that was so satisfying it made you feel like spending 7 hours in front of a big screen TV actually wasn't a waste of time? Yes...that happened last night. National G became the "Legends of Rock" on a Saturday night after 58 continuous mind blowing, jaw dropping Rock Band action. It was good.

Throughout the school year, Hadi, Campbell with Piao have been trying to go through the songs of Rock Band slowly unlocking and getting ready for the Endless Setlist and as of last night, everything came together and it was completed. As an reward, we now have gold symbols for our instruments...yea, it's that awesome xP. It was really fun though, from the hardcore drum fills to the impossible guitar solos, everything was pretty awesome. Although I'm probably the weakest link of the group, we managed to get 260 out of 290 on Hard mode, so I guess if the band is as strong as its weakest link, the weakest link isn't TOO bad right? xD.

That was probably the last time I'll be hang out with those guys all together for a while...maybe until Christmas or something. I haven't really been feeling the hit of depature yet. Recently Du left for Ontario and I guess it hasn't really hit me. I'm sure it'll come soon though. Three years with these guys does mean a lot of bonds being made. I always tell myself that everyone will get together during the breaks...winter and summer, but I can't help but wonder if it'll actually happen. After months of separation, the drifting apart will begin. By the time we're back, some might feel awkward to call the other to make plans or maybe some will just not want to enough to bring themselves to do so. The breaks won't be that long and before you know it, it'll be over. One missed opportunity leads to another and soon those bonds will slowly untagle themselves and your closest friends in High School will just become another person in the streets. A little depressing, yes, but I can't help but think this will be the reality that we might have to face. I guess we'll just have to wait and see...maybe things will turn out for the better.

On a happier note, I'm getting more excited for University. Slowly, but surely. I can't wait to see Fang. She seems to really like Toronto, which is awesome because most of the time, we have similar taste in these kinds of things. Everyone's parents are going with them to their Universities though...I have to go by myself. Although this is indeed a little intimidating, I'm sure I'll be alright. I mean I've already made two pretty distant trips by myself, I'm sure I can handle this one...especially if it's going to school. If not, I'll just get lost at the airport for a while...I'm sure a nice person will notice how lost this Asian boy is and give me some sort of assisstance...right? =P. I think the biggest reason for getting more excited is for seeing her again. For the longest time, ever since I came back from Vancouver, I've been trying to think of a nice Birthday present to give her when I see her in Toronto...all these crazy ideas came to mind and I think I might try out one of them. The chances of it working is like 0.0001%, but I guess it's the thought that counts? really want it to work. But I realized during this search for a Birthday present is that I don't know a lot about what she likes. There will be lots of time to get to know her, but I guess for now, I'll have to make do with what I do know xP.

Anyway, I gotta get ready for work. Last week at Personally Yours! I'm pretty happy. Last week was so straight days of work...but I got through that, so this week should be moderately better xP. Okay, time to go...later days =P.

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