Monday, August 11, 2008

Slight Relief

Another long day of tired right now. Don't really want to open my eyes, but kinda want to post so I'll have to do my best not falling asleep on my laptop for the time being |-). Anyway, last couple of days have been relatively fast...basically just get up, go to work, go home and sleep.

Last night, I got home around 6:00. While on the bus I saw something that caught my attention as it was pretty interesting. So I was doing my usual thing on the bus...trying to keep my self awake as my stop approached. Just before my stop, a couple of pretty decent looking girls started making some loud sounds about forgetting one of their cell phones on the bench at the stop they got on. The one who left the phone there was in a rush to get off while the other walked hastily to the bus driver and asked him if he could go back there for the phone. Now, the bus driver was Asian, so it might have been part of it =), but he was very nice and decided he will head back that way. Since my route is kind of a circle, I guess it was no big deal and that bus was the last one heading to Cranston for the night. So I witnessed this as I got up to get off, and the girl who left her phone on the bench leaned over and gave the bus driver a kiss on the cheek as a sign of appreciation. Mind you, this girl was white...and good looking...and that went against all my laws of physics that existed in my little world. So for the nice 10 minutes, I smiled to myself, thinking, maybe being a nice guy isn't such a bad thing and some times, it could be appreciated by almost everyone...although the nice guy was in his late 30s and a bus driver, but you can't ask for too much right...XD. Haha...yea, that little story was the significant event for the day yesterday, hope you all enjoyed it xP.

After I got home, I watched about 2 hours of Olympics...watched the USA gymnastics, who were extremely good, but I couldn't help but smile when they came second to China, even though it was the qualifying round =P. Also saw the Chinese win synchronised diving. Yea...surprise! Haha...they dominated that event...won by 20 points in the was sick. Yea, so after watching that, I tried to sing some songs...since my parents weren't home, I tried singing really loud and open up my throat. And you know what...I can't...or maybe my loudest is just really soft because I have an under developed vocal cord...or maybe I just can't sing. Even though that's a bit of a stretch...right? RIGHT? xP. Yea, so my parents came home at around 10 and I kinda forced myself to bed...part of it because I was dead tired and another part was I didn't want them to yell at me again hehe...and it worked =P.

So today was a pretty okay day too...I worked for 8 hours so that pretty much took up most of the day. Kinda getting used to the 8 hour shifts now...just 18 more working days and I'm done. Just think of the money can do it! Haha...just's not THAT bad...except when dumb customers come in 5 minutes before close and is very insistent on buying something, while you accidently press on the US dollars button beside the Visa and screw up your whole system. Yea...when that happens, it kind of...KIND OF pisses me off. Let's just hope that doesn't happen everyday =P.

Alright, I think that'll be enough for today...oh yea! My dad seems to be a little more calm about my whole situation now. He did another plan thing for my phone so now I can use it again yay! So people, don't be shy to just call me when you want and tell me how much you love me. With this stupid phone issue solved...I can socialize again. Which will start on Wednesday when I go watch the Pineapple Express with McArthur. Yea...he called me today and Gore-Hickman's back too, so it should be fun. Hang out with them a couple more times and they'll be off to the East too...even more East than me =P. So yea...THAT'S about it...I'm going to go eat dinner 10:30 at night...what a life hey? xP.
Secret #36: Hmm...what's your favorite flower?

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