Saturday, August 9, 2008


Hmm...these past couple of days have been good...for the most part. As my little break from work come to an end, the hanging out with friends was very memorable. The night that's capped off the little break was not really what I wanted, but what can you do...

Let's see, after work on Thursday, I called Piao. He just got back from China a few days ago and I asked him to come over to hang out. It was fun. He brought a lot of stuff from China. It was quite interesting. He stayed the night and it was fun just chatting and chilling with him. The following day, I went with him to Du's house and we played a bit of pool before heading to the North to hang out. Kwan came too and we bummed it out at the mall in the North for a few hours, getting gifts for the people. Afterwards, we went to the church not too far away for Du's concert. It was pretty fun and to see her amazing piano skills as well as the violinists play was a treat. She's a very talented musician and just like most concerts, I dozed spite of trying really hard not to. But hey, it's not completely my fault...some of the pieces were very peaceful and after a long day of doing nothing, I was tired. Anyway, the concert was a pretty big success in the end. I'm happy for her and it's a very amazing accomplishment if I do say so myself...I'm sure many others would agree. After the concert, I went home and since Piao's stuff were already at my place, he stayed over again. It was pretty funny because he was pretty dead tired too. He was watching the Olympics downstairs and when I went down to see him after 30 minutes or so, he was asleep on the couch xD. It was entertaining to say the least. The night went on and soon afterwards, I was asleep too.

Today was a pretty good day too. In the morning, I went and paid my first installment of residential fees, then went to a pavilion to do some banking. Even though I thought it went well...turns out I made a mistake...which will be discussed later. Anyway, after the banking, I went and met Du in downtown. Had some lunch and hung out for a while. It's always nice to hang out with her...even though today I did a lot of talking...which tired me out, but she wasn't very talkative so...I had to do something right? =P. But yea, I'm very comfortable hanging out with her...we can talk about pretty much anything and everything. It's a good feeling. Soon the time of departure will come since she's leaving on the 21st. I'm kinda sad, but at the same time pretty happy about it. I know UWO will bring her a lot of new experiences and fun. She'll meet a lot of new people, make a lot of new friends, but at the same time, I think she'll be one of the people that I'll keep in touch with. So really, there's nothing to be sad about...right? xP. I dunno...I guess we'll see when she leaves. After a while, we met up with Hadi and went to see Shakespeare again. It was a fun play, but we only stayed for half of it...stupid Calgary weather...seriously. After getting home, I got a pretty big lecture from my dad because turns out, I screwed up on the banking thing and the more he lectured me, the more his voice rose and by the end, he was pretty much yelling in my face. Telling me how irresponsible I am and how I can't handle important things...

You know what the weird part is? For the first time, I actually sat back and took in what he had to say...and well, I actually agree with him. Sometimes I really don't have my priorities sorted out. Even though I am working a lot, I should be more concerned with the family in general rather than myself. Sometimes, just by not going out and waiting for something can solve a lot of problems. I's weird, but I kind of saw the point of view where he was coming from and although I don't agree with him COMPLETELY...there are definitely things that I should change about my attitude and behavior. One thing is the use my for any of you who read this blog and managed to last up to this part...don't call me or text me for the next 2 weeks. I don't think I'll go out much either for a while...maybe one more time with Du before she heads off East.

At this point of my life...I think I'll just cut myself off from socializing for a while and make sure everything regarding finances and post secondary is taken care of. I'll still be posting often...kind of want to recently. But until next time...later days =P.

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