Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Happyness and Cantent

I'm here! Yes, people, I am not dead. In fact, I am better than ever. From the first day in Toronto until now...which I know, has been two days, have been awesome. As the title suggests, I don't know how to spell properly, but that's probably because of the amazingness I find in living by myself. I have the freedom of an individual. I can do basically whatever I want, whenever I want. It's sweet. The past seems so far away now. It's like a distant memory and even though it's very vivid, it doesn't seem to matter at all. All the bad times don't seem that bad, all the good times seem better than they used to. It's a great feeling. I have a lot to talk about, but I don't really know where to I guess I'll start when I got to Toronto...and go from most other get it.

Alrighty, so I got here on September 1. The flight was alright, pretty stupid, but when we got off and were waiting for luggage, we waited like a bloody hour and then guess what happened...the stupid luggage was coming out of a different conveyor belt thing than what was shown on the screen. So basically...I stood there for 30 minutes while my luggage was waiting for ME to smarten up a second and step about 20 steps to the left to pick it up. Well, since no one else knew, I didn't feel like a complete idiot xP.

Oh yea, before I left for the plane, I said good byes to my family. Even though I'll still see them during the holidays, I realized that at this point, it's the time where I start drifting apart, physically, from them. Now, it's for about 7 months of the year, but soon that number will increase until I get a job and have a family of my own. (Oh of my own...I said it without see what I mean about being happy?) Anyway, soon I'll be dropping by with gifts for my parents and sister maybe once or twice a year. I guess the realization of that point made me want to thank them properly for putting a roof over my head and food in my mouth for the last 18 years of my life. It was a sad moment. My baby sister was really upset that I was leaving. It was the saddest thing I ever saw. She was trying to contain herself even though she's only 7 and tears just flowed down her little rosey cheeks. It made me very sad, but on the other hand, proud to be a big brother. It showed, at that moment, that I made an impact on someone...enough of one that it would trigger the emotions to pour out of them. Even though she's still a little meant a lot.

Okay, that was slightly depressing. But let's put that aside now. Alright, so after I got here, I spent a couple more hours getting myself to the place that I'm staying at. The whole process is tedious so I'll spare you the pain...that I had to go through xP. The place that I'm staying I would say a very nice place to reside compared to the other residences. After witnessing the horrors of a single room in the size of a cubicle, I was very excited to see that my place of stay actually had room to move around without bumping into something else. Also, I guess my very low standards helped improve the reaction with this place. Good stuff none the less. Of course, with the place of stay comes a person that you have to stay with. My roommate...ahh what I can say about the guy (yes, it's a guy, I know guys...I'm lucky, but not a miracle worker), he's really cool. We have a lot in common and he's super nice. I mean, I don't know about his whole life story, but he's a nice guy to hang out with. And it's also fun when he lets you talk to his girlfriend on the phone even though all you do is make fun of him xD. Yea, couldn't be happier with my roommate. Makes my life so much easier.

Moving onto a new topic...GIRLS. Yay, just the topic you were waiting for right? Yea, I had to save the best for last and aren't you glad now that you read through all that boring junk just to get here? But yes, girls. A lot of them, obviously, not in engineering, but around my residence and around campus and around the city. A lot of Asian girls, which makes life a little better seeing the fact that most of the time I can't seem to be able to find white girls attractive, in a sense that I would be interested. Iunno, just walking around, I see quite a few good looking girls, but I do hang out with one of the best looking girls I know during most of the spare time I have, so I guess it just makes me more chill about the whole situation. Good stuff too because we're here to learn! NOT to "Pao Niu". For those who don't know what that is...too bad. But yes, if you're looking for good looking Asian girls, then please, find yourself a flight to China. But if you want to find good looking Asian girls who speak even a little bit of English, then please, find yourself a flight to China. BUT if you're ever in Toronto and you're looking for good looking Asian girls, then my friend, you should stay for awhile =). Alright...I've been typing for a long time now and I'm honestly exhausted, but I do like to say just ONE more little thing. I've been hanging out with Fang a lot and it's always amazing. From staying up until 3:30 in the morning looking at idols that she finds attractive to teaching her the proper dialect to proper mandarin, it's been awesome. I didn't know I could want to spend so much time with one single person. And most surprisingly, I didn't know I had it in me to be able to have a conversation or many conversations for such a long time.'s just a great feeling. I think she's great at promoting conversation though. Makes it so easy on my part hehe. And I guess you can have a lot to say when you want to talk to the person too...that might have something to do with it xP. I dunno...things just feel so right in place...just fits, like pieces of a puzzle =P. I do hope someday she gives me a chance, but if not, I couldn't have asked for a better person to spend at least 4 years with.

Alright, I'm pretty sure I'm done here...have to get ready to go to meet the faculty members...ohhh, funn. OH YEA! I was able to transfer Eng Sci! Now I can pursue my goal of aerospace...or nanotech xP. Good stuff all around. Okay, peace it out v-.-.

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