Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Purple Moon Festival

Wow...feels like it's been a while since I've posted. I'm not actually too sure when was the last time I did post, although I know I can find out by just looking at the top of my last post...yea. Anyway, I didn't go to class today. "OH NO! why's Jak skipping already?! has university made him even more careless than before?!" might be the thought that's going through some of your minds at the moment, maybe a little less dramatic. But no worries, I didn't skip to go party or have fun...I stayed home all day to sleep. Yea...got a cold and I couldn't pay attention to anything today. I don't like being sick...it's like at the stage of vulnerability where a little bug can knock you over. Doesn't feel too great...not at all. The worst thing is that I'm afraid of getting everyone else sick...even though I think I might have already, I don't want it to continue...yea? So when I was eating in the cafeteria, I kept picturing the spreading of germs and stuff...although I tried to stay away from people...like choose a very secluded place to sit, some stupid idiot came and sat right next to me...even though here were a billion other seats to choose from. Now if he gets sick...meh I probably won't know about it so it's all good xP.

Alright...enough of me bitching about being sick...even though it sucks, okay okay I'll stop. Let's see...classes, yes have I talked about them yet? ah well, if I have, I'm going to do it again. I have quite a few classes actually. I think 30 hours one week and 33 the other depending on if I have a lab or not. But in reality, the course content and everything is not as hard as I imagined it to be. Although all the upper years and even teachers making such a big deal of it that Eng Sci students suffer, it doesn't seem to be that bad. I guess it is just the start. I'll probably feel the pressure soon...which in some sick and twisted way will make me happy. I want to be pushed to my potential. Since this program is something that I care about and something that I'm interested in...it might just be able to push me to the point where I can reach or maybe even surpass my potential. I've always wanted that. Most of the time in high school, I would study for 5 minutes and be proud of myself, but someday I would like to actually sit there and study for a few hours in preparation for some exam. We'll see, we'll see...maybe I've already reached my potential and I'm just too obnoxious to admit it...possibilities are endless xP.

Right...that was my little school spiel. Now let us talk about friends and perhaps more than friends...??? hey? hey? nope, not quite there yet, just friends. Sorry to disappoint. Yea, I've met some cool people. A few in my classes and a bunch on my floor. Two little circles that I can hang around, most of the time comfortably. It's pretty cool. At school, these three guys are really cool. They speak mandarin all the time so it helps me with it and at the same time, they're all super smart. Two of them (sorry I'm being a little mean) I think are pretty decent looking so ladies if you're still looking, I can introduce, no worries xP. They're quite fobby though...you know, the hair, the clothes, the English, but if you can put that aside...haha, I'm going to stop being gay now. My other group of friends are also pretty chill...and it's also more varied in terms of races...haha I don't know why that's so important, but it just seems essential to describe these things so a clear picture can be formed. Yes, that was a valid argument. Alright, yea, they're pretty cool...we usually hang out at night after everyone's back at residence. Recently, I've gotten a little conscious about my humour. A few of them have started saying my humour is "dry". And it kind of worries me a little bit...ah screw them. My humour's awesome...it just takes a while for them to sink in xP.

Hmm...I guess I can still name one more little group. Well, not group, just Fang xP. I mean we hang out in other little groups too, but it's a little different when we're just by ourselves. Don't know how to explain it very well, but it just feels different. It doesn't feel like I spend a lot of time with her because of our schedules. Sometimes, at night, we'd have some time and we'd hang out for a while. Last night was the Moon Festival. I didn't really plan anything, but some how it just ended up us being alone sitting there looking at the ginormous moon. The big beautiful thing made me want to fly even more. I dunno what I'm getting at, but that half an hour or so was so...perfect. For a while, I didn't even feel like I was sick xP. It was fun...it made me happy. There are a lot of mixture of feelings that I felt, but it's difficult. I guess it's not that important either. That whole night was symbolized by the little purple flower that I gave her...even though there were a lot of other things...I think when I look back on it...it'll be the moment that she took the flower and put it on her coat, that I'll remember first. Right now, I'm still confused about how I feel and where my heart is leading me, but I think I'm going to not worry too much about that and just try to open up. At the same time, these little memories that happen is embedded forever in my thoughts, making the process of opening up a little bit easier.
Secret #38: I don't want to look when you're with him...what does that mean?

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