Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Content Emptiness

Okay, so I haven't posted in about a week and I decided that today would be a good day to blog something. Lately, everything has been pretty mellow I guess. Gah...Trying to rearrange all my thoughts right now and I don't really know where to begin. Ah well, it doesn't really matter -.-''. I'm going to post as things come to my mind I guess...A little reluctant about it, but who really cares at this point xP.

*Backtrack to last week* What the hell did I do? Can't really remember haha...I do remember playing some fun badminton games with the badminton club last Friday. Yang came and it was nice playing with him. Still have a long way to go, but it gives me some motivation that I'm so desperately in need of. It's getting better though, my motivation level. I'm wanting to play badminton more and more now. Work on my footworks is the funnest part of it because when I get good at that, I'll look sexy while gliding around the court XD. A sport isn't a sport until you can look good while playing it =P. Remember that kids, it's not about determination or skill or heart, it's about how you look while playing. Haha, kidding, not really...Yea I am, no worries. The looking good part while playing is just a bonus to the awesome fun that's surrounding everyone. Practice, practice and more practice. That's what I need and that's what I'll get XD.

On another note, things at school are pretty chill too. Did my French Oral Exam today and it was pretty disastrous. I'd bitch more about it, but I think I'm all tuckered out from bitching about it all day to do more so I'll leave that at that. It's done and over with and for that, I am glad. Graduation's getting closer and closer...OH speaking of which, congrats to Collins for Historian and props to Hadi and Lee for doing the M.C. They did an awesome job, but it's too bad that they weren't chosen. Maybe another time yea guys? There'll be other opportunities later on and it'll be sweet getting redemption second time around xP. Anyway...Right graduation, I dunno, people are asking me who I'm taking to grad this year and truthfully, a part of me wants to take Lee, as a last thing that can sum up our friendship and make it that much more memorable. But, yes there's a but, I'm too tired of trying now. I thought about it and it really isn't that big of a deal. She'll probably find someone to go with and it'll be a good time. It's the time together that really matters and I'm treasuring it as I type this silly thing xP. I think I'm probably going to let her be now, let her live her life and be there for her only when she needs me. She seemed pretty stressed lately and annoyed so I kinda backed off a little bit. I think it made things a little better, gives her time to collect her self and get back on track. But yea, thing's are pretty cool, I think it'll be a pretty nice last couple of months. Think I might take Qian to grad...As a friend of course. It'll be interesting and although I only met her during the summer, I think she's played a big part in keeping me down to earth. Meh, who really knows, it's still a while away xP...Damnit...Need to buy a freaking suit for grad...(Goes and not buy a suit for grad)

Haha...Okay, that's enough of that...Fang left for Japan and Korea a few days ago. Still regret sleeping when she messaged me. I wanted to talk to her before she went, but it's okay, I'll talk to her when she gets back. Can't wait to hear about her trip, it'll be sweet. I kind of miss her though...Haha...It's weird because it's not like I talked to her a lot on MSN when she wasn't "away", but just the absence of her presence makes me miss her. Before, the occasional acknowledgment of her popping up online makes me feel a bit more secure and I didn't really notice that until she left. Haha...Even though I know she's gone, I still click that little quick link to her blog everyday, hoping something new would be posted up xP. Stupid right? A little embarrassing =P. But yea, hope she's having a good time in her trip. Teehee...Du's jealous...It's okay Du-Du, you'll be able to visit Japan and Korea one day...Just not now xD.

Anyway, I don't wanna do school anymore -.-''...Too pooped out to put effort into school. Feel like, it's really purposeless and pointless to do much work...Maybe I just need a rest. I think spring break will be good. It'll give me some time to recuperate so I can pound through the last bit of school when I get back.

No matter what happens, just gotta keep on moving. I think I forgot what more I wanted to post. Maybe next time xP. Later days ^^;
Secret #22: Would you come to grad with me?...If you were here.

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