Friday, March 28, 2008

Mixing Pot

Hmm...Another day passed by from my spring break. I think this whole spring break, I've been out...Either chilling with friends or at work. And as sad as it may be, I think I've spent more time attending to idiots who don't know what to put down on a piece of metal to their loved ones than hanging out with my friends. Had to call some things off because I had to work and honestly...I kinda wanted to go. Anyway, spring break is coming to an end and so the routine continues. Still have a shit load of work to finish up on, but hopefully, I'll be able to get that out of the way soon.

So the last couple of days...Few? Have been pretty nice...Feels like I'm being attacked by a whole bunch of emotions all at once though xP. First, I felt confused and conflicted (Remember my last post? Yea, I try not to). Then I felt relaxed and free. Then I felt extreme joy and happiness. Then I felt nervous and scared. Then lastly, I felt worried. I went to hang out with Du on Wednesday. She's a nice girl...Played a whole bunch of Final Fantasy XII and it's not a bad game really. I still think the main character girl runs funny. You know when girls run and they put their elbows towards their sides and let their arms flop around? While sticking their ass out and pushing their chest out? See? It's so stupid I can't even describe it right. Anyway, it looked like that and it reminded me of those girls in Jr.High...I laughed very hard...I wanted to get a picture with Du so I can finally get her birthday present, but my bloody camera ran out of batteries! Can you believe it? Ugh, next time! Next time I will conquer you, evil camera!

Thursday, I went to play some badminton then went to sing K. It was just me, Piao and Xu that went. Three guys singing stupid songs like "Pretty Boy" and "The Day You Went Away" by M2M xD. It was good fun though, topped off the day. Before I left for badminton and singing, I got an email from Fang. I couldn't stop smiling for a while...She got in UT! I was very happy...I dunno, everything that was in the email just made me smile...It made my day. But then again, it did make me a little scared and nervous because I still haven't gotten the official letter from UT yet...Everyone else seems to have gotten it and I'm still waiting...It's nerve wrecking because if I don't get in...NO! I will get in! The next couple of weeks, I'll get the letter for sure...For sure. *Prays*. I can't wait to see her again though. It's been so long. We've played things before, but it just never happened. But this time, I'm gonna make it happen. I got my money saved up. I convinced my parents and it's just a matter of time now. Get my exams done and it's back to Vancouver for a week. I should count down the days xP...Haha. Yesterday ended with Piao sleeping over. I dunno, for some reason I like hanging out with him. Not a lot of people appreciates his way of looking at life...And sometimes his smart ass comments do get annoying, but I can talk to him about...Stuff. It's a good friendship without any risks. I think that's what's great about it. Because neither of us are really uptight about anything, we can just chillax and have a good time. It's...Dicey.

Today...Ah today was pretty okay I guess...I got a phone call and she seemed really upset. I was...Still am kinda stressing out about it. I just hope she's okay. I wanted to go see her and help her clear her thoughts and mind a little bit, but my work once again got in my freaking way. I'm not sure how to fix this and I'm pretty sure all I can do is worry and hope she's going to be okay. Not much I can really do about something especially if I don't know the entire situation. And even if I did, my thought process is probably very different from hers. This feeling was the same one as when I saw Du upset. It's like something trapped me and...It's just a very uncomfortable feeling. Except with Du, I know she has someone to talk to. With my friend...I hope she finds someone to talk to and not hold everything in. Hope she knows that she can talk to me about anything and I'll be willing to listen. Sometimes, by just talking about it, you feel a lot better afterwards and it's as if you can let go and finally move on. We'll see though...I'll probably just worry about this for the weekend and talk to her on Monday to see how things are...She's done so well for herself for the past 4 months...I trust that she'll be able to pull herself outta this one too and I'll always be behind her to catch her if she does topple over at some point. Take care of yourself...Take it one moment at a time and everything will be okay soon...Ugh, it's no good...Even talking about it on here, I'm still concerned...I want to just go over and talk to her, but self control is important...She needs her time to herself Jak...Just leave her be for a while...Just let her be...

Okay...Damn...I wanted to finish this post off on a happy note, but that's actually the last thing that happened so meh. There's always next time right? Yea...I also wanted to post a song of some sort today, but now I don't really feel like it...*sigH* Maybe next time too...Oh and I know my title says "Mixing Pot", but I couldn't find a good picture of that...So I like muffins and muffins like me, so ENJOY THE MUFFINS! Haha...Yea...Nope...Nothing else to talk about...Take it easy, breathe it out.

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