Monday, March 10, 2008


I'm tired of fucking trying so hard. I'm done. Whatever happens from now on happens. Stupid school, stupid people, fuck it all. I'm looking forward to my trip to Vancouver after May exams and then getting the hell outta this shit hole. So sick and tired of this shit...Agh!

Sorry, I'm just frustrated. I can't talk to anyone about it...Well, no I can, I just don't want to. Ugh...I was talking to Du today about how I really miss Fang...I don't even know what the shit's wrong with me. I want to talk to her, but every time I see her online, I just back away. Stupid me...I think I'm too afraid of saying something wrong...But it really never happened before...When we talk it's like magic...It flows...Then why the hell do I feel this way! Pisses...Stupid, stupid, stupid!

Anyway, I just finished helping my sister with her homework...Took about an hour...I can't believe the things these idiot teachers give kids these days. ALWAYS project after project, why can't we go back to the good old days where Mad Minutes was the cherry on top of the cake? Yea, those were good times. I was shit tired from badminton tournament too...I think more from sitting than actually playing -.-''. It was a sad sad night. Whatever though, it did make me feel a little better when my sister had to choose an "inspiration" and she chose me. She's so cute from time to time, just wish she was maybe 12 years older so she can help me with my problems xP. Guess I'm asking for too much huh? Meh...

Anyway, I need to stop thinking and just chill with my games or with someone. Before I head off, I'ma put a couple of songs up by Gary Cao. I've been trying to listen to a lot of his music. Really starting to grow on me...Especially these two songs that kinda just says what I feel at the moment. One's called "Silent Toy", the other's called "Two Lovers". Listen to it, don't, I don't really care. Not gonna bother with the lyrics, but if you do choose to listen to it, hope you like it. Peace it out v-.-''

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