Saturday, June 28, 2008


Woo, got back from Gore-Hickman's cabin today and the whole thing was pretty epic. It was fun from beginning to end. Everyone got along, everyone had mad fun and it was a great way to end the year.

Let's see...where should I begin. Of course, the day of leaving. After writing my last diploma, (totally stoked it's done, totally don't give a shit that I failed) I played some soccer with some buddies. It was fun and although I got stepped on by cleats and kicked in the shin, it was a good way to a couple of hours. Soon after that McArthur came and got me and we went to do some errands then went to my house to pick up my things. Even though I had everything I wanted planned in my head, I forgot my contact case and my bloody swimming trunks...what the hell right? Yea...sometimes I amaze myself. Anyway, we left soon after and I got to drive half the crew up the cabin in a big green van =). The drive was fun even though Tanaka was chirping about my driving the whole way there. She's a cool girl though and she barely makes a sound in school, so it wasn't a big deal hearing her yell at me =P. The drive up was pretty smooth, everyone was safe and I didn't break the van so I was pretty proud of myself. Things were pretty chill the first night...Sponiar filled his flask with whiskey and just drank it straight...he's a bloody tank, but he was gone by the end of the night...slightly past tipsy =P. Saying random things, and no one else drank that much the first night, so it was fun watching him make an ass of himself, haha.

The second day was amazing. Everyone woke up around 11:00 and after breakfast, we headed to the little beach where we spent the day last year. Learning from experience, I brought a whole shit load of SP45 sunscreen and used it very wisely. McArthur didn't bring any so he stole my bottle by the end of it, but it's cool because if he didn't, he'd probably have to grow a new layer of skin by the end of the weekend. But anyway, I didn't get burned at all and came out of there with a pretty decent tan. Good shit. The day on the lake was pretty awesome...cooked hot dogs by the fire, made sand things...holy shit Tanaka was so pro. She made a starfish, seashell and a sea lion from sand. It was super cool. Of course we went water skiing and wake boarding. This year, I got up on the wakeboard. Totally stoked about that. The first few times I went down like a little bitch and drank a shit load of water. With the cold water, by the end of the first run, I could barely breathe, but I learned how to get up and it's sweet. Not sure when I'll be able to do it again, but if anyone gets a chance to do some wakeboarding, it's definitely worth the pain and suffering you have to go through first time 'round. Of course, Sponiar and McArthur ripped it up on the water, got some good air and making it all look easy...what can you expect hey? Tanaka tried to wakeboard up on her first try...stupid little girl. Showed me up like no other, but she's pretty good at snowboarding so I will use that as an excuse to keep my pride. Yea...shutup. Moving on...the night was a gong show...Tanaka made a bunch of drinks for everyone and it was actually pretty good. Mind you...before the drinking, I ate 5 burgers to proof to McArthur that I was man enough to do yea...I got 5 burgers in me and he got about 6, but he didn't eat cheese so I say it was a tie, whether he likes it or not XD. By the end of the night...I probably only had about 1 or 2 burgers remaining in me...=). It was good fun though...I was calling batman with a flashlight. Muahaha =P. I kinda passed out at around 1:30 in the morning, supposedly laughing while doing so...haha...good times.

This morning was pretty chill too. Had some breakfast and ate some cake then it was time to head back to Calgary. I drove the way back, but I ran a stop sign on a high way -.-''. Wasn't very happy about that. Poor decision on my part and felt horrible putting everyone through that. Just thankful that there were no cars around so no one was hurt. I was feeling a little drowsy and the roads are just hurt me a little bit. But yea...that got Tanaka on my ass for the rest of the trip...pulling my hair to keep me awake =P. It was a little painful, but it did the job xD. After dropping everyone off that their destinations, I drove myself home. Tired from everything, I napped comfortably on my own bed.

All in all, these three days were awesome. Life has been treating me well lately. Good stuff all around. My little project is under way and I have a week and a bit to finish it so everything's in good shape. Yea...not much more to say...kinda tired right work tomorrow...probably gonna watch some Youtube and head to bed. Alright...until next time...later days =P.
Secret #32: 10 days...

Monday, June 23, 2008

The Day After

June 23...the day after my 18th birthday. Sounds like a pretty good day to me =P. Well, yesterday was the day that I turned the big 18 and it was alright. I don't feel much different. To be honest, I don't think much of birthdays, well my birthday personally. I'm sure everyone thinks the same to some extent, but I try not make a big deal out of it. Personally, I hate the question, "what do you want for your birthday?" so let me give a generic answer to that, "I don't bloody know". If you're going to get someone a present, just do it. It doesn't really matter what it is because I'm sure the receiver will appreciate it no matter how stupid it may be. But today, I only got one present and I was quite surprised on receiving it actually. My manager at work always gets someone something for everyone's birthdays and I tried to hide it from her because I knew if I told her, she would get me something...I didn't whine about working today, I avoided the topic of turning 18 completely, but the only person that I told, which I specifically told NOT to tell my manager, told her anyway and they got me something. A bottle of whiskey with a flask =P. How fitting hey? I'm pretty sure I'm not going to use it much at all, but when I do, I'm sure the engraving of the formula for "Girls = Evil" will come in handy some day, haha. But none the less, I was surprised when I got the gift and it put a smile on my face =).

Today started out brilliantly...I woke up around 10 and I signed on to MSN like I always do. First thing I do is check my e-mail as always and I got 3 new e-mails that made my day right off the bat =P. I got a birthday wish and ecard. For some reason, I had a feeling that she didn't e-mail me for so long just to make the e-mail that much more special...and it did. I played the ecard over and over again until I had to leave for work and when I got back from work...I played it a little bit more. It's a cute card and it gets me smiling every time I read it. I want to thank her for the email and the ecard with all my heart because was the only thing I wanted for my birthday. Her birthday's coming up soon and I'll have something planned. It'll probably take a while for me to get everything the way I want it, but it's something I want to do, so it'll be fun, haha.

Anyway, as hard as I tried to hide my birthday from my friends, as the day went on, I got birthday wishes from most of my good friends. The thoughts are very much appreciated...thanks guys =P.

I also called my grandparents and I found out that my grandpa is relying a lot on his medicine now a days...I miss him so much. I remember when I was young and how he would hold me and dance with me to an old tune. I remember his gentle voice calming me down when I was in trouble with something. I remember his soft eyes waiting for me when I went back to visit and I remember the tears that rolled down his face when I left. I love my grandparents very much and it kills me that I wasn't able to go back to see them this year...because next year...might be too late. Every time I think of them, I think of them holding on for a while longer...just a while longer.

As my day came to a close, it was like every other night...except now I'm an adult. An adult...that have much more responsibilities than before. For myself as well as for those I care about. So as time goes on, one chapter of my life has ended and a new chapter begins. The road of adulthood now lies before me and I will approach it as cautiously as I will enthusiastically.
Secret #31: 15 days...I wonder if I can do this...=)

Friday, June 20, 2008


Alright...before I go on to my main thing...I would just like to say a few things about my father. He is a freaking retard. Wednesday I got off work at 9 and call him to pick me up. Fair right? I'm tired from work and I wanted to get home as fast as possible so I can eat dinner. Nope, no, he INSISTS that I come home by myself. Pissed to hell about that as I dragged my tired body all the way from Southcentre to home catching the last bus...took me an hour. I got home pissed to hell about it and didn't speak to him for a while. Now I sit here with my lower back crying, "Bloody Mary" typing after getting myself all the way to the last C-train station from the leisure center because my dad didn't feel like picking me up. This time he didn't even have an excuse! Just lazy as fuck. Oh, by the way, he only picked me up at the station because there were no buses left. Heh, whatever, just wanted to rant about it a little bit. After almost 18 years, I've generally accepted to rely on myself when it comes to getting around. It's just the for the last 8 months or so, I got used to him picking me up after work and after this sudden...change of heart pissed me off a little bit. Whatever though, I'll learn to deal with it just like pretty much anything else, so it's all good.

Now that's off my chest, I can talk about other eventful things. first off, yesterday...hmm...I don't really remember why, but I was at the bus stop and I while I was waiting, I saw these two kids playing on the trampoline. They weren't old...maybe 5 or 6 and it looked like they were having so much fun. I remember when I was in Saskatoon, I used to go to my friend's house together with our buddies and we'd play video games and play on the tramp. Back then, it felt so good to just be accepted by those guys. I felt different since I just came to Canada and they treated me like someone that they looked up to (mainly because I was good at math =P). No, but really, I felt important and I looked at them as my best friends. As time moved on, I moved from places to places and I lost contact with them. Eventually, I moved so much that the few friends I made at each school, I lost as soon as I moved was sad, but it helped me to learn to move on. When I was watching those two kids reminded me of those shows that have a little boy and a little girl growing up together and even when they were young, they knew they were going to be together when they grew up. Boy Meets World? Anyone remember that show? Yea, shutup, I watched it and I loved that show. It's kinda like that...I've always wanted to have that kind of relationship with someone. It makes things seem so much easier and it makes me wonder how they keep liking each other and the relationship going even though as they grow up, they change in their own ways. I guess to some extent, it's the mystery of change that keeps the people together...Through the past 3 years, I've learned a lot about friendship and relationships...and for the first time, I think I'm going to make an effort at keeping the friendships I've built over these years. Visiting, occasional email, whatever it takes to keep things's worked once so far for maybe it'll work a couple more times? =P. None the less...I may not have the "soul mate" type of girl in my life like in Boy Meets World and although I admire that type of thing, I think reality has taught me to think differently. Right now...even though I don't have a lot of opportunities to show how I really care about someone, I do think about them a lot. I don't think too much on it either...just time and email once in a while or the message left on MSN while I'm gone that makes my day. Simple things...simple girl...simple happiness =P.

Alright...moving on. Yesterday, I watched an episode of The O.C. for the first time in a billion years and it was pretty cool. I love that show...I mean the drama in it is alright. I don't really watch it for that, but the music and the scenery is amazing in it. The situations that create the perfect mood for the occasion is also mesmerizing. This is one of the reasons why I want to live in California when I'm old and boring. The beach is amazing, a nice chillaxed atmosphere where one should retire and just enjoy life. I want that a lot...just relax. We'll see's still one of my distant dreams and it may come true one day. If I'm doing aerospace, I'll probably end up in The States anyway, so why not California. It'll be cool, I'll learn to surf and I can get all my friends, by then, probably old and money hungry, to come down and chill. Ah...I gotta stop thinking about makes life seem very stressful at the moment =P.

Anyway, moving on to was a pretty good day. Finished my chemistry diploma so I'm stoked about that. I hung out with Du for a while afterwards. It's fun hanging out with her, although sometimes, it can be very tiring =P. I don't know where she gets all her energy from...she's like the energizer bunny, but none the less it's fun. With her, I can talk about a lot of things, but just like a lot of other relationships I have, there are things that I keep to myself. It's hard because I want to say something about it, but for the best of everyone, I should just put it in the recesses of my mind and let things roll the way they do. Sometimes I do feel like I shouldn't be there with her though...maybe it's because of Yang, maybe it's because of me, but for reasons, I feel like I should keep my distance. Not a huge distance, but a safe distance. My biggest fear is getting in between those two...but at the same time, I like hanging out with Du. But sometimes, sacrifices have to be made in order to keep things chilled. Recently, it seems like they're getting along better so I'm pretty happy for them. Although she's a very important person in my life, I know my boundaries and when she needs to hang out with Yang, I don't get in the way. It's a balance thing I suppose. But the time that we have together is closing in and I hope we'll spend some time together during the summer before we go our separate ways. I don't know...during the past summers, I haven't spend much time with her and it doesn't seem it will be much different this summer. She'll be working and I'll be working...which makes things a little difficult. Things will be okay though...just one or two days will be enough. Make some memories and have some fun together...I'm pretty sure things will be different once we go our separate ways, but the friendship will may be months before a conversation, but in the end, I think the friendship will work itself out. Some things just happen and the friendship between us seems to be one of those things.

Now, last, but not least on my little agenda of things to talk about...(I don't really have an agenda...just in case you were wondering) is that Lee's going to Whistler tomorrow! Just wanted to say to her to have fun and stay safe. Whistler will be a great place to just relax and forget about the world for a while so enjoy it to the max. Hope she has a great and safe trip. Today at badminton was reminded me of old times when we'd go work out at the gym then play some ball afterwards. Fun times...a lot of things has changed since then and the biggest thing I think would be that I don't worry about her anymore. I've grown to know her as a person and to me...she's the type of person that will go through hell, but during the process, learn and grow. It won't matter what words are said or what actions are taken, she'll find her own way to experience it and learn from it. I'm tired of being her "brother" and I'm done with trying to be more than friend. I'm her friend and I'll be there for her when she needs it. Otherwise, I'll be there to be a fun person to hang out with...someone she can come to and just chill with. all I seem to be able to give at this point and much like Du, this friendship is also very important to me. No doubt, we'll still keep in touch after we go our separate ways, but once again, things won't be the same and that's okay. When we meet again, we'll be able to catch up and have some fun listening to each other's stories. Again...summer will come and go very fast and again, I hope to spend a least a couple of days with her just to finish high school off with some memories and start a different direction with this friendship...we're prospective University Undergrads...common, something has to be different =P. Anyway, I'll finish this with a note of well-being to her and I hope she has a great couple of days in Whistler...a nice break, and she deserves one.

Alright kids...until next time...later days =P.
Secret #30: How are you doing these days? Can't get in touch...through anything v.v''

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Calm After the Storm

The days have been passing by pretty quickly lately as school's heading to a close. Twelve years of my life have just gone by and my days of elementary, Jr.high and Sr.high are soon to be a memory. I must say, it's a little sad. Never thought I'd ever miss these days, but seeing as how they're almost over, I'm beginning to feel the sadness slowly seep into my system. To think, I'll probably never see some of these people again...but I guess that's it goes on, so do the people in your life. In the end, it's the time that we spent together that matters the most. I have to say, I don't regret much of what has happened in the past three years and I've treasured all the little, special moments with them.

Tomorrow will be the last day of school and we'll get our yearbooks. Just like in Jr.high, I bought a yearbook in my last year at school. I'll probably roam around and get people to sign it and look at it once in a while in the future and smile when I read it. I did it a few times with the yearbook from Jr.high, but I think I appreciate what I've experienced in Sr.high a lot more so the chances of me visiting the notes written in the yearbook will be much higher. After tomorrow, I'll have a few exams and I'll be done. To be honest, I don't really know what to expect from the summer and currently, I'm a little worried about my diploma exams...meh what can I do a little bit and hope for the best I suppose. I'll probably work a lot during the summer...get some money saved up for University. Hopefully I'll be able to see some friends once a while and maybe spend some time with them before we go our separate ways. It should be good...the next few months should be fun =).

Hmm...oh yea, my mother and sister left for China today. They'll be gone until July so it's just father and me until then. (Muahaha, I used "mother" and "father" sounds so...weird). Anyway, things should be relatively good for a while. I'm helping out dad with the renovation of the garage, putting up drywall and stuff. It's quite interesting actually. I like power tools, they make life easier xP. Furthermore, the house is a lot more quiet without my mom and sister...and I enjoy it quite a bit. I think my dad was trying to make conversation with me today...but I didn't have much to say most times. I hope he doesn't go into a lonely depression...he's getting old now...hmm...maybe I can convince him to take up golf. Nah, he's too impatient for golf...but maybe some old man sport that he can do without breaking his back feels weird talking about him like he's 90, but at the same time, it's quite fun xP...just hope he doesn't read my blog...that would be creepy...haha.

I went through my email today...dated all the way back to who knows when and I read some of the email exchanges from the past with Fang...made me smile. When I look at those emails, it feels like forever ago, but I can remember those moments pretty clearly. When I got an email from her back in those days, it was like a breath of fresh air...and it still hasn't changed =P. Somehow, just reading these little things makes life feel a little more at ease. When I email her, I think I'm a little more like myself. I think it's better than MSN, but still no where compare to the comfort I feel when talking to people face to face. None the less, it's a way of communicating and I do what I can to keep in touch haha.

Anyway, I don't have much to post today...just wanted to post fingers were kinda itchy xP. I'll leave off on one note...remember kids, 听妈妈的话 =D. (Sorry, that song was on and I couldn't help myself xP. Alright...until next time, later days =P.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Rain Drop's been an eventful day...I suppose. It started off with talking to Fang on MSN very very early in the morning, then came the awfully boring classes, followed by a little hang out with Du. After that, a bunch of little things put together this day. It's been strange, but nice...tiring, but fun and yet, I feel like it's missing something. Oh yes, a blog post about it =).

So lets start with talking to Fang. It was really nice talking to her...much like every other time haha. She's in China so it was in the afternoon for her when we started talking. At the time, I just went through an amazing game run with a couple of buddies and to be honest, I was dead tired. While talking with Lee about our dreadful English assignment, Fang came online and said "hullllooo =)." Hmm...makes me smile =P. The chat went fairly quickly and in the process, I learned what a "night market" was and by the sounds of it, I've gotta get some friends together and roam through the streets of Vancouver at night buying the "Asian-styled foods" and just chill. It sounds like such a fun time. Too bad Calgary doesn't have it. Freaking hell...Calgary doesn't have anything -.-''. Ah well, that's another point. I talked to her for about an hour and all of a sudden I felt extremely tired and weary of the day ahead of me. Most of the time, I wouldn't care what time it was and we'd just talk until I basically feel like passing out...or until she yells at me for staying up too late, but this morning...I had to step away from the computer and say hello to my bed. I think a big factor is that I knew I had to wake up early in the morning and that was something I haven't done ever since before IB exams so...I was pretty scared about waking up late and being late for Henderson's class...she's quite scary these days, pounding our asses to get back into the working mode for one last diploma exam. Aight...I just realized I went on to a complete tangent, but anyway, I left the conversation pretty abruptly...

Something is bothering me about it though...the conversations that I have with Fang...I feel like I'm not being myself, which is a bad thing -.-''. I'm not sure what it really is...maybe I really want to talk to her...or maybe it's because I'm scared she'll find me uninteresting, but something along those lines are preventing me from being the carefree guy that I deem myself to be most of the time. I feel like I'm treading on water when I'm talking to her...scared of doing something stupid...scared of making her upset maybe. None the less, it's an annoying feeling and I wish it would go away. I blame it on MSN. I've never been a big fan of it, talking emotionlessly through words on the internet. Feels...fake. I think I'm a very animated person in terms of body language so when I don't have the opportunity to be animated, it feels something is missing. I don't feel like...myself.'s bothering me. On the other hand, it's the only way that we're able to keep in about anything and it's very entertaining every time I talk to her. I know, I know, there's a device called the telephone, but I'm not a big phone person. Especially since I don't actually talk that much...most of the time the person on the other end thinks that I'm bored and gets uncomfortable...this is a BAD thing. Anyway, I guess I can't really do much about it...I'll try my best to be myself. It's hard! Why's it so damn hard?! Stupid...stupid...

Moving on, I went to hang out with Du today...(yea, I skipped the school part of the day...sue me). She had violin so I went to listen. It was quite nice. Talented little girl. Can't believe how far she's come in just 10 months of playing violin...and to top that off, she barely practices >.>''. Some people and their musical talents hey? So yea, we got something to eat afterwards and I took her half way home because it was raining pretty badly. I had the umbrella so it felt right to at least provide some sort of assistance so she doesn't get sick. The rain was nice though...although I kept on thinking back to early in the morning how much of an idiot I must have been like, it also reminded me of some good times =P. After I took her half way home, I rode the bus to a C-train station...the bus ride felt like forever and I fell asleep. I didn't miss the station though, so that's good =P. Or else, I would of had to ride the bus all the way back to the first C-train station, which would have not been fun. Anyway, Du and I talked about stuff...and during the course of the conversations, I realized that she was one of the few friends that I could slightly open up to. She's made quite the impact in my life and time is ticking away before we go our separate ways. I feel like deep inside she has some things she wants to tell me, but still isn't comfortable enough to say yet. Not that I'll be able to do anything about it, most likely, but to be able to find that comfort with someone where you can tell them anything and not feel awkward about it is a rare thing. I just hope she doesn't keep those things locked up and is always looking back on it. The past will always be the past, the future, you might be able to influence, but it's the present that really matters. Hold on tight to everything you cherish and don't take for granted anything. Then...when friends do branch off to their own paths, there'll be no regrets.

I guess I really wanted to post these couple of things because I went for a drive tonight in the rain. No one had keys to the store I worked at so I had to drive up there and lock the door. I didn't mind it that much. It was quite relaxing just driving the car and listening to the radio. On the drive back, when I wasn't really rushing anymore, it felt nice...liberated. That's when I put my day together and decided that I wanted to post something. So I can remember this day later on =P. Anyway, I should do some reading before I head off to bed. Hope everything is going well with everyone's lives and remember, when something is getting you down, you just gotta Keep On Moving. =).

If you don't want to watch the video...just read the lyrics, it might cheer you up xP.

I woke up today with this feeling,
That better things are coming my way,
I bet the sunshine has a meaning,
And till nothing's gonna get in my way,

When the rainy days are dying,
Gotta keep on, keep on trying,
All the bees and birds are flying (ahhhhhh),
Never look oh you gotta hold on and
Not stop till the break of dawn and
Keep moving, don't stop rocking(ahhhhh)

Get on up, when you're down, baby
Take a good look aroud, I know it's not much, But it's ok, Keep on moving on anyway,

Feels like I should be screaming
Trying'a get it through to my friends
Sometimes it feels that life has no meaning
But I know things'll be alright in the end

When the rainy days are dying,
Gotta keep on, keep on trying,
All the bees and birds are flying (ahhhhhhhh)
Never look oh you gotta hold on and,
Not stop till the break of dawn and
Keep moving, don't stop rocking (ahhhhhhhh)

Get on up, when you're down, baby
Take a good look around, I know it's not much,
But it's ok, keep on moving on anyway,

When the rainy days are dying,
Gotta keep on, keep on trying,
All the bees and birds are flying (ahhhhh)
Never look and you gotta hold on and
Not stop till the break of dawn and
Keep on moving don't stop rocking(ahhhhhh)

Get on up, when you're down, baby
take a good look around I know it's not much,
but it's ok, keep on moving on anyway.

Repeat chorus x2

Get on up (keep on moving, keep on moving, keep on moving...)

I know it's not much (keep on moving, keep on moving, keep on moving...)

Get on up (Keep on moving, keep on moving, Keep on moving)

Note to self: Show Fang the grad video.
Secret #29: Be myself, be patient, be there for day, these little things might touch your heart =).

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Smile a Little's something that everyone is in search of. To be satisfied, to be content, to be happy. Everyone wants to be happy, but happiness doesn't seem to be want to be found by everyone or is everyone just making happiness too big of a thing when really, it isn't. When really, it is a simple thing...or a combination of simple things.

Ever since I got back from Vancouver, I feel like I'm a much happier person in general. For the longest time in my life, I didn't know what happiness was. I was always in search of it not knowing what to expect or maybe expecting too much. In the end, I always felt hopeless and lost, not knowing what to do or how to do what I'm supposed to do. After graduation night and the talk with Lee, I seem to have realized something...that expecting too much is the opposite of what happiness is. If you expect too much or expect happiness to be something grand, it will only move farther and farther away from you. Little parts of me are finally starting to understand how to be satisfied...little parts of me are finally realizing priorities and responsibilities. By all means, I'm still an immature little boy trying to grow up, learn about life, but one step at a time right? Can't be too hasty about anything.

So recently, everyone seems to be having problems with...things in general in their life. All my close friends...Du, Hadi, Lee, Kwan and Fang all seems to have things that are bugging them. Little things...big things all seems to be coming together and biting everyone in the ass -.-''. As much as I want to help, I really can't do much. Getting involved in everyone's business just makes things more messy...*sigH* As much as I worry, I know I can trust them to make the right decisions...whatever they may be. I know sometimes in this world, it can be hard to find someone to just talk to without any consequences...but if it helps at all, I'll be willing to listen. I think that's about all I can do for most a friend.

On another note, I'm pretty sure Piao's pissed at me. Some things were said that shouldn't have been said and I guess for a few moments I lost all sense of logic and tolerance. Ugh...sometimes, it's just frustrating to be having to deal with it all, but damnit he's been a good friend for the past year and a bit, I should have been more patient. Anyway, I want to say sorry...even though he'll never read it. Last few months before we go our separate ways and just want things to be chill. Pisses...ah whatever, things will work out. I don't usually have lasting grudges with friends...everything seems to just pass eventually. This will too...I hope.

Lastly, Fang's heading off to China for a couple of months tomorrow. For some reason, it feels like a big difference...maybe because the time difference is only one hour right now and when she goes there, it'll be fourteen v.v''. E-mail's still good, although I tend to want to leave her alone and let her enjoy her vacation without any western influence. She definitely deserves a break...she sounds so worn out from school sometimes, I'm sure this will be a good way to spend a couple of months before going to university. I'm a little worried about her safety though...I mean, nothing will happen, but still, with everything in China the way it is right now, it's hard to not worry a little right? Especially when it comes to her...anyway, she'll be okay...she's a big girl, she'll take care of herself =P. 一路顺风,照顾好自己。

Okay, I think I'm done for today...yea...peace v-.-''

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Tiring Weekend... I'm sitting here...extremely tired, taping away at my keyboard not really knowing what to type...Just whatever comes to mind actually. It's been a long weekend...working everyday with long shifts and having to deal with people can really be a pain in the ass sometimes. But I made it through the weekend...and tomorrow I'm going to go sing KTV with Du and Piao. It should be fun...I want to sing...and I want to play badminton (okay, that came out of no where), but I'm not really sure when the next time I'll be able to play badminton will be. Usually I play on Fridays, but this Friday, I'm probably going to go sing KTV again with a different friend v.v''. I feel fat and out of shape when I don't do physical activity, but standing and walking around for 7, 8 hours a day should be enough right? Yes...I'm going to say it is because that's all the "excercise I've done in the past two days. Yea, that's right, I am a fit young *nod nod*

God...I'm so bloody tired right now...listening to the rain outside is quite refreshing though, but I think I really want to go to bed...Yea, I think I'll do that soon...soon I will be in bed. That's good news...okay this really isn't going anywhere so I'm going to change the topic now.I'm trying something right now that my friend seems to like to do...on her blog. Sometimes, she'll close her eyes and let her fingers be her mind and just type whatever comes up. At the moment I have my eyes closed and the sound of my keyboard taping away really is quite enjoyable...Although sometimes, I do have to admit that I open my eyes a LITTLE bit just to see if I'm still typing properly...I try not to, and I kind of what to just leave it the way it is, however it turns out to be, but it shows my natural anal tendencies...Yes, I think I just have proven to myself that I am infact, very anal retentive...That's okay though, just one little step towards accepting who I really am no? Yes, I think so.

Most days, I would go home and look through my daily blog sites...see if anything new is up. Recently, no one seems to be in the mood of typing...or posting. I really enjoy reading the posts of my close friends though. It's really matter what it's about, I always seem to have a feeling of satisfaction and understanding after reading a short blog of something that's happened in the life of any of my friends. I think it helps getting to know people a little better. I think it's important for people to have a little place where they can just write what's on their mind...let things go and just be yourself. Although many people tend to censor a lot of things because we, as humans, enjoy our privacy, me included, it's still interesting to see what people have to say about their friends. I guess I am a curious little much as I don't want to intrude on other people's lives, there is a part of me that just wants to know about everything. A good balance is required...and I'm looking for that balance. I think I've done an alright job so far...just need to keep it up and keep improving I suppose. One friend of mine haven't posted in a long long time now...I guess it's no big deal, but to be honest, I want to know a little about what's gonig on in her life right now....but I guess all I can really do is wait and see what happens.. Maybe if I click on her page numerous times (not like I already don't do it enough already), magically a post will appear xP. Hey, it can happen...never doubt the power of magic...I have worn a robe, I know how it feels to be a wizard...that's right.

Alright, That's enough rubbish for today. Just wanted to type up something without actually thinking about it...Hopefully I didn't make too many mistakes...although I'll go back through this post and fix any mistake that I actually did make v.v''. Anyway, I'm tired...going to check over my post and fall alseep. Looking forward to a brand new should too. xP.

Oh my goodness, I just realized that today's actually the first day of June! Happy Children's Day everyone! (Qian was most excited to remind me it was infact Children's Day). If you don't know what it're probably not asian enough to understand...If you do know what I"m talking about...Have a great...15 minutes of what's remaining xP. Alright...time to REALLY go...*Walks away*