Saturday, June 28, 2008


Woo, got back from Gore-Hickman's cabin today and the whole thing was pretty epic. It was fun from beginning to end. Everyone got along, everyone had mad fun and it was a great way to end the year.

Let's see...where should I begin. Of course, the day of leaving. After writing my last diploma, (totally stoked it's done, totally don't give a shit that I failed) I played some soccer with some buddies. It was fun and although I got stepped on by cleats and kicked in the shin, it was a good way to a couple of hours. Soon after that McArthur came and got me and we went to do some errands then went to my house to pick up my things. Even though I had everything I wanted planned in my head, I forgot my contact case and my bloody swimming trunks...what the hell right? Yea...sometimes I amaze myself. Anyway, we left soon after and I got to drive half the crew up the cabin in a big green van =). The drive was fun even though Tanaka was chirping about my driving the whole way there. She's a cool girl though and she barely makes a sound in school, so it wasn't a big deal hearing her yell at me =P. The drive up was pretty smooth, everyone was safe and I didn't break the van so I was pretty proud of myself. Things were pretty chill the first night...Sponiar filled his flask with whiskey and just drank it straight...he's a bloody tank, but he was gone by the end of the night...slightly past tipsy =P. Saying random things, and no one else drank that much the first night, so it was fun watching him make an ass of himself, haha.

The second day was amazing. Everyone woke up around 11:00 and after breakfast, we headed to the little beach where we spent the day last year. Learning from experience, I brought a whole shit load of SP45 sunscreen and used it very wisely. McArthur didn't bring any so he stole my bottle by the end of it, but it's cool because if he didn't, he'd probably have to grow a new layer of skin by the end of the weekend. But anyway, I didn't get burned at all and came out of there with a pretty decent tan. Good shit. The day on the lake was pretty awesome...cooked hot dogs by the fire, made sand things...holy shit Tanaka was so pro. She made a starfish, seashell and a sea lion from sand. It was super cool. Of course we went water skiing and wake boarding. This year, I got up on the wakeboard. Totally stoked about that. The first few times I went down like a little bitch and drank a shit load of water. With the cold water, by the end of the first run, I could barely breathe, but I learned how to get up and it's sweet. Not sure when I'll be able to do it again, but if anyone gets a chance to do some wakeboarding, it's definitely worth the pain and suffering you have to go through first time 'round. Of course, Sponiar and McArthur ripped it up on the water, got some good air and making it all look easy...what can you expect hey? Tanaka tried to wakeboard up on her first try...stupid little girl. Showed me up like no other, but she's pretty good at snowboarding so I will use that as an excuse to keep my pride. Yea...shutup. Moving on...the night was a gong show...Tanaka made a bunch of drinks for everyone and it was actually pretty good. Mind you...before the drinking, I ate 5 burgers to proof to McArthur that I was man enough to do yea...I got 5 burgers in me and he got about 6, but he didn't eat cheese so I say it was a tie, whether he likes it or not XD. By the end of the night...I probably only had about 1 or 2 burgers remaining in me...=). It was good fun though...I was calling batman with a flashlight. Muahaha =P. I kinda passed out at around 1:30 in the morning, supposedly laughing while doing so...haha...good times.

This morning was pretty chill too. Had some breakfast and ate some cake then it was time to head back to Calgary. I drove the way back, but I ran a stop sign on a high way -.-''. Wasn't very happy about that. Poor decision on my part and felt horrible putting everyone through that. Just thankful that there were no cars around so no one was hurt. I was feeling a little drowsy and the roads are just hurt me a little bit. But yea...that got Tanaka on my ass for the rest of the trip...pulling my hair to keep me awake =P. It was a little painful, but it did the job xD. After dropping everyone off that their destinations, I drove myself home. Tired from everything, I napped comfortably on my own bed.

All in all, these three days were awesome. Life has been treating me well lately. Good stuff all around. My little project is under way and I have a week and a bit to finish it so everything's in good shape. Yea...not much more to say...kinda tired right work tomorrow...probably gonna watch some Youtube and head to bed. Alright...until next time...later days =P.
Secret #32: 10 days...

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