Thursday, June 12, 2008

Calm After the Storm

The days have been passing by pretty quickly lately as school's heading to a close. Twelve years of my life have just gone by and my days of elementary, Jr.high and Sr.high are soon to be a memory. I must say, it's a little sad. Never thought I'd ever miss these days, but seeing as how they're almost over, I'm beginning to feel the sadness slowly seep into my system. To think, I'll probably never see some of these people again...but I guess that's it goes on, so do the people in your life. In the end, it's the time that we spent together that matters the most. I have to say, I don't regret much of what has happened in the past three years and I've treasured all the little, special moments with them.

Tomorrow will be the last day of school and we'll get our yearbooks. Just like in Jr.high, I bought a yearbook in my last year at school. I'll probably roam around and get people to sign it and look at it once in a while in the future and smile when I read it. I did it a few times with the yearbook from Jr.high, but I think I appreciate what I've experienced in Sr.high a lot more so the chances of me visiting the notes written in the yearbook will be much higher. After tomorrow, I'll have a few exams and I'll be done. To be honest, I don't really know what to expect from the summer and currently, I'm a little worried about my diploma exams...meh what can I do a little bit and hope for the best I suppose. I'll probably work a lot during the summer...get some money saved up for University. Hopefully I'll be able to see some friends once a while and maybe spend some time with them before we go our separate ways. It should be good...the next few months should be fun =).

Hmm...oh yea, my mother and sister left for China today. They'll be gone until July so it's just father and me until then. (Muahaha, I used "mother" and "father" sounds so...weird). Anyway, things should be relatively good for a while. I'm helping out dad with the renovation of the garage, putting up drywall and stuff. It's quite interesting actually. I like power tools, they make life easier xP. Furthermore, the house is a lot more quiet without my mom and sister...and I enjoy it quite a bit. I think my dad was trying to make conversation with me today...but I didn't have much to say most times. I hope he doesn't go into a lonely depression...he's getting old now...hmm...maybe I can convince him to take up golf. Nah, he's too impatient for golf...but maybe some old man sport that he can do without breaking his back feels weird talking about him like he's 90, but at the same time, it's quite fun xP...just hope he doesn't read my blog...that would be creepy...haha.

I went through my email today...dated all the way back to who knows when and I read some of the email exchanges from the past with Fang...made me smile. When I look at those emails, it feels like forever ago, but I can remember those moments pretty clearly. When I got an email from her back in those days, it was like a breath of fresh air...and it still hasn't changed =P. Somehow, just reading these little things makes life feel a little more at ease. When I email her, I think I'm a little more like myself. I think it's better than MSN, but still no where compare to the comfort I feel when talking to people face to face. None the less, it's a way of communicating and I do what I can to keep in touch haha.

Anyway, I don't have much to post today...just wanted to post fingers were kinda itchy xP. I'll leave off on one note...remember kids, 听妈妈的话 =D. (Sorry, that song was on and I couldn't help myself xP. Alright...until next time, later days =P.

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