Friday, December 28, 2007

Growing Up

Today was a fast day...12 hours have passed since I woke up and it feels like a blind of an eye. Yes, I did indeed wake up at 6:45 today because I had to book badminton courts at Talisman. Went to play with Hong, Kwan and Lo. First time playing all winter break and it feels as good as ever. Badminton is still one thing that I go to, to rest my thoughts and it's all the better when you're playing with someone who can pull shit from his ass that I can't even dream of...(Yea yea, shame on you dirty minded people.) Lo's a funny kid though, we played "target practice"...Hehehe...Maybe I'll show the badminton club how it's done when it resumes again xD.

After getting out at about 12:30, I met with Collins and we came to my house to watch Ratatouille. Awesome movie, even second time around. Regrettably, the version that I downloaded wasn't as good in quality as the version that I initially downloaded, but it was good enough to see everything and enjoy it. Drove her home afterwards. Surprisingly enough, my parents didn't question me at all when I said I was gonna drive her home. Only thing that I would want to change is the time it took to drive back home. Traffic was surprisingly good, so even driving at speed limit, it took just 15 minutes getting home. I'd rather spend some more time in the car...It's relaxing.

About a week has past since Winter Break began. I really want to talk to Fang, but she doesn't seem to be online that often recently. Kinda miss her, but missing someone is pretty pointless unless the feeling is returned. Hopefully I can get a chance to talk to her before school starts again...I dunno what I want to say, or why I even want to talk to her, but just a feeling lingering in me at the moment. Oh, also engraved the plate for Hadi's pocket watch box. Took me a freaking hour to engrave it because of its stupid shape...But it turned out pretty sexy, hopefully I can give it to him soon. Now I'm tired as hell and want to pass out, but I have to wait for my sister's cake to be dismissed before doing anything that would cause me to become unconscious. So I'll finish off with one last idea in my head that spurred this urge to post something...

December 28, 2007...My sister turns 7. Also have to note the 18th for Kramer and all the best to her journey as an adult. I was about my sister's age when I came to Canada. I'm getting mixed feelings regarding the passage of time through these 10 years of my life, but I definitely can see how much I've grown in every aspect of my life. None the less, I'll still be growing up for the rest of my life and I can only hope my growth will be towards a positive direction. I will also, to my best extent, guide my little sister so that she can make a little bit less mistakes, get hurt a little less as she grows up. 10 years from now she'll be the age that I am now...I believe she'll make the right choices for her life journey, but just in case she strays a little, I can't help but watch over her from time to time...
Secret #6: Starting to let go...Starting to move on...Starting to stop thinking about her.


Jason Hadi said...

Glad you're still kicking badminton's ass. I remember years ago when you kinda sucked. Well, ok. Sucked.

Enjoy the lovely roads while you can, they will get worse. People are still on holidays, usually until New Years is over.

You know, good on you for thinking of your sister. You're lucky to have a younger sibling, in the same way that I'm luck to be the youngest of 3.

Unknown said...

Your sister is lucky to have you.