Monday, October 1, 2007

Beginning of October

Yay! First day of October...Haha, it's really not that special, but it's one day closer to graduation xP. Hmm...Feel like writing a blog today. Something to do after a long days worth of work...or should I say 4 freaking hours of bloody reading! I could of spent that time catching up on my history reading, but I must admit, the bits and pieces about the different types of metals and how they're made was quite interesting. Overall, I'm very glad I've started working again, feels like I'm finally doing something productive over the hours...ironically, the first thing I do from getting back is write a blog...hmm...Moving on, turns out I have to do a test on everything that I've read. Probably won't be that hard and open booked, but none the less it's a test and that just makes me twitch. My co-worker, which I will not mention as of yet since I don't know his last name, was quite nice. Not sure how old he was, but seems like a nice guy that knows how to have a good time. Went to WIC for high school so that's pretty interesting. He didn't like it much there...Snobby rich kids in an expensive private school...go figure.

Well that was my work day, but others things also happened today. I really feel like I should stop talking to people because sometimes I say things that just doesn't turn out the way I want them to. I think I've fixed it though, not sure. Hopefully Collins will just forget everything I mentioned and move on with life. It's none of my business. I should have never spoke of anything...but why do people keep bugging me about talking...gah the dilemmas! Ah well, another day, another adventure. Something interesting that did come up during Collins' conversation with me was of how she thought of things. Friends, drama, the importance and disappointment of it all. She seems to think that life is very complicated...but is it really? I dunno, maybe she's right because I can certainly see where she's coming from, but why can't we just go along with our daily lives without all the gossip and drama...avoid it, ignore it, forget it...Yea..forget it is right, no one can live without drama, it's too common and way to easy to get caught up in it. Anyway, I don't think I have a point here...but..."Wake up Call"! Haha...what a good song.

Think I'm done with today's thoughts...yep, I'm done..Later days =P.


Unknown said...

Let's start this new thing where (well I think you've already tried this, or are doing this, but anyway, I'll join you) we completely ignore drama, I'm just not going to talk about any drama at all tomorrow. Thank's for the motivation.

Jason Hadi said...

That's how I get by.