Saturday, February 9, 2008

According to Plan...?

Made the badminton team...Dunno what I'm going to play, don't really care v.v''. It would be better if I had a little more passion about the game, but as of this moment...I have more important things to worry about...

So I've been planning on going back to China this summer for the past 4 years now and my dad just asked me if I could delay this plan for another year. Now, knowing me, I would have just told him no to begin with because that's the person I thought I was. But last night when he asked me...I didn't feel the usual rage of feelings explode, but the tiny hint of practicality and disappointment sunk in. Didn't really sulk, just asked him to give me a couple of days to think it through...


Okay, so I just came back from like an hour break talking to my grandma and I guess it's decided that I won't be going to China this summer. I really wanted to go...See my grandparents and friends again before we all head off for university...Guess it's not gonna happen. When I go back next year, they won't be in the little town that I grew up in. Most of them are headed to the city, so I guess this is it...Ah well...Maybe sometime in the distant future, our paths will cross again. I'm a little disappointed, but there's nothing I can do. Don't want to talk my parents into spending so much money on me again...Especially since they just bought a house. University's coming up too and I should be looking to save up for that as much as possible. *sigH* responsibilities. Sometimes, I wish I can just put that aside for a while and do what I want.

It's a little depressing, but I feel that whenever I have something planned, it never goes the way I imagine it. A lot of times, it's pushed me to to not think about much so I don't get the disappointment of getting my hopes up then getting them crushed again. However, if there's anything I want to go according to plan right now is my trip to Vancouver this May and getting into UT. Please...If there's anything that can happen to me, let this be it.

*sigH* just wanna get outta here...

Ugh...I wanna say something...Can't quite put it to words...Naw...I shouldn't think about it...Too good to be true? GAHHH...STFU JAK, STFU.

Anyway, I'm rambling about nothing now v.v''. My thoughts aren't quite coordinated at the moment, so I guess I'm gonna go. Peace v-.-
Secret #16: She doesn't like anyone...Will she grow to like me? I really hope so...Life would be a lot better if she were to be there beside me all the time.

OH, I just remembered I wanted to post a few songs...Yea...It's been a while...I haven't been able to find anything that REALLY stuck out...So I've decided to just put songs up that I like. Screw meaningfulness v.v''...Naw, I'm just being dumb, probably each song that I put still have some meaning behind it...It always does or else I wouldn't want to listen to it so much. The first two are pretty funny, the third one KINDA speaks my mind...They're all Chinese. I'm not gonna bother translating. Meh, too lazy...Hope you like the music or beat since most of you can't understand it xP.

1 comment:

Jason Hadi said...

It's just that the Olympics are this summer, and ticket prices are absolutely insane.

A one way ticket of Calgary -> Vancouver -> Bejing for one person, adult 18 years old, would be just over $1000 without taxes and the like in July.