Monday, February 18, 2008

Music Player Fixed

Okay, so I just found out today that my player is crap in internet explore, but by playing around with it for about 10 minutes, I think it's fixed. I had no clue that it only showed up to 10 songs and had this big ugly gray block on the left side of the player. I mean I had some ideas that it was funny when I accessed it in school a while back, but it didn't really bother me until a few days ago Ahmad said she could only see up to 10 songs -.-''. Anyway, it's fixed now. Sorry for anyone who actually listens to these songs xP and hope you enjoy them. Another reason why Firefox > I.E.

I have to go do some homework, but hopefully I'll be able to post something soon when things slow down a little. Until then...Later days =P.

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