Sunday, February 24, 2008

"Poppy Love"

"When we were in grade eight, we promised each other that we'd get married at the age of 28 if neither of us were married by then"..."We met in grade six during patrol"..."He asked me out in grade eight and in high school he asked me to be his girl again"..."I moved, but this x boyfriend kept on popping up every couple of years"..."Three years ago I came back to Calgary"..."We were both career driven, jaded and unable to accept each other's feelings"..."Our friendship rekindled"..."Before we knew it, we were on a one way plane to Hawaii"..."It's hard to not fall in love in Hawaii especially being held in the ocean with a full rainbow"..."He whispered, 'I love you' thinking I was asleep...I didn't want to ruin the moment so I pretended I was asleep. My heart was smiling"..."He took off his necklace from under his shirt that has a ring on it and said, 'I'll put this ring on that finger one day.' as he pointed to my ring finger"..."We decided to go back just as quickly as we decided to leave"..."It was the end of 2006 that our lives took another drastic change"..."We decided to go to Orlando to spend New Years"..."It was our first time in Disney World!"..."I got an important text message telling me to go back home"..." 'Come home right away'...'Your brother Josh has been in an accident'...'He passed away'..."

Now before you idiots start questioning about my sexuality, this has nothing to do with me. These were some exerts that I read from a post in a bus shelter when I was waiting for the bus today. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to finish it before my bus came so that last part was where I ended up.

I think this is a thing for the contest on Vibe for the 98,000 dollar wedding. I saw these two running around Anderson station a few days ago posting these things around. They looked like they were in their mid - late twenties and although I wanted to read it then, I wasn't able to. I was just sitting there waiting for the bus today when I saw it again and decided to read it. It seems so magical and fairytale like I almost don't want to believe it. But the depth and the emotion that it's written with has pretty much convinced me.

As I sat on the bus looking at the flurry that came down so gently, I thought about how I'm always off daydreaming about romance. Never did I think any of the things that I imagined would be true...Especially the soul mates thing. This thing gave me some hope, but at the same time I'm afraid to get my hopes up on anything now because too often, it just comes crashing down. Is it too good to be true? That someone can end up with the person that they liked in elementary? I dunno, but I keep thinking about it...Every time I think about it, I force myself to think of something else because I don't want to get my hopes up. But today, I was almost in a state of shock after reading that...Thing. Maybe it CAN happen...Maybe it will happen...These words ran through my mind as I rode the bus and after getting off and walking home, two dogs started barking, snapping me out of my daze. Maybe it's for the best...That I don't think about something that has such a low probability of happening...
Secret #18: If fairy tales can come true, I want mine to be with her...

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