Sunday, February 3, 2008

Coming Soon

I haven't posted anything in a while, but I'll start to post more soon...Almost done my EE...3973 words in the end, so now I just have to revise it, get a table of contents, abstract and bibliography...Probably finish that up tomorrow...Well Sunday, so I guess today, but not really >.>...Yes, I am tired...Post more after I'm actually done.

On another note, 从现在开始我想用中文来写一些我的网录。。。因该从下次开始吧。不太清楚。但是我的中文还是不是很顺,所以会打错很多东西。 啊,不管了,反正大部分人都看不懂。。呵呵。我说不定写网录的时候,随便写一些中文因为要是只用中文来写的话,对我来说还是非常难。。所以呢,得慢慢的来。好了先写到这吧。下次再见。Peace v-.-.

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