Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Mr. Tooth

Okay...I think I have to explain the picture...I was looking for a picture of a tooth model...You know the ones that move around and act creepy? Yea, you know what I'm talking about, don't pretend you don't. Anyway, I came across this and I had to have it...It made me laugh...Kinda...

Yoshi! (Not the colourful dinosaur v.v'', it's "okay" in Japanese...I think...) Moving on, today badminton tryouts began...I'm so out of freaking shape it hurts me. So practice starts at 7:15, meaning I have to be outside by 6:30 at the latest to catch my bus so I can make there...Yea...Woke up at 6:19...Looked at my watched and kinda stared at it for then seconds or so before freaking out, throwing on some random clothes and booking it outside...It was cold at 6:26 in the morning...My big burnt marshmallow coat kept me warm though, kinda. So I got to school at...I can't remember and basically the tryouts began. Senior team this year, so I think it's gonna be harder than last. I barely made it last year, but with constant practice, I think I'm getting better, but still got destroyed by Lo -.-''. It was very disappointing, but I think the main reason was because I had no energy left by the end of the hour and a half...Freaking pathetic. Stupid school, sucking out all my energy and time to go work out and be in shape...*Mutters*...I dunno if I can get my endurance back up to where it used to be, but hopefully I can make doubles of some sort so there is less running around and more random flailing of the racket...w0oot.

After the intense morning session of badminton, I went to print out my EE...Freaking two copies meaning 4x pages of writing and crap...What a waste of paper, especially now that I found out I have to make it "pretty" for "presentation points". SCREW YOU IB! Smart people should not have to deal with appearance! You get to choose one! Get too greedy and you'll end up with nothing! Bunch of bakas...

Speaking of which...(Not bakas...Appearance) I got my braces off! Yay for retainers v.v''. These things hurt like mothers and it always feels like I'm chewing on plastic when I have them in my mouth...I wonder why...OH YEA! It's because I AM chewing on bloody plastic -.-''. Can't complain though...They're a lot more convenient than braces...I can remove them and produce a smile that bedazzles everyone...Just kidding losers -.-''. Theoretically, a person without braces should look better, in reality...It doesn't really make a difference. I am born who I am, not gonna bitch about my genes with I can't do anything about it. Haha, I started watching this really weird Anime...It's about this "ugly" girl that goes to live with these four "gorgeous creatures" (Anime guys) and they have to make her into a lady. If they succeed, they get their rent for free, if they don't they have to pay triple the rent. Intense huh? Naw, it's not really, funny though...Don't think I have seen more nosebleeds from girls in ANY Anime let alone two episodes.

Anyway, I think I have a test tomorrow...Yes chemistry test...A subject that I actually care about...Hmm, I should study...14 minutes! I will start studying in 14 minutes! Until then...I will...Go play something....Oooo, I know, I will go watch that weird/funny Anime! It should make everything better until I have to open up my text book and do a couple hours of cramming...Crap have to talk to Edwards tomorrow...I hope he doesn't comment too much on my EE...If I have to redo that thing again...I will shoot someone in the foot. Yoshi! (Again...Not the colourful dinosaur) I am going to shit away the next 11 minutes before doing anything productive...Until next time...Later days =P.


Jason Hadi said...

Swimming starts at 7 and I gotta get to Glenmore pool by then. >_<

In shape wise, it's time to run miles again!

Jak Li said...

Good luck on it buddy lol. It's gonna be a good season xP...

Yea...Starting Friday man...Guess that means I'm going to badminton xP.