Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentine's Day

February 14. The "love day". Valentine's here again and once again I spend it with my self and my computer in my room. I really don't mind it now. For the past many years of my life, I've always wondered why I couldn't get a girlfriend. Being the hopeless romantic that I am, I would picture all these amazing things that I would do just to see her smile or laugh. Especially on Valentine's...The thing is: I've never been very confident when it came to girls, so most of the time, if not all, I would either miss the chance or just walk right past it even though I know. Being not confident is one thing, but I think the other one is I don't want to play with people's hearts. Most of the time, if not all, I don't start liking someone, just because "they're the hottest thing on the surface of the Sun!" Sure, it's refreshing to see girls that are put together well, but over the years, that factor just faded more and more. I think I might be just savoring every last bit of my effort and mind for that one special person. Hopefully she'll appreciate it when I decide to let her know, but until then...Meh, I don't really know if she feels the same way...It doesn't really matter I guess, my intentions are pure, my thoughts are true...Just gotta do what I know is right. Even if she doesn't feel the same way back, I won't mind because having her as a close friend is already more than I can ask for...No that's not true. I will mind, it'll probably feel like my heart shattering into a million pieces...What I mean is...Even if that happens, it's the friendship, that everything is built on, that will be treasured for a life time.

This little short week has been quite interesting...I found out two girls like me...I got a card for Valentine's and it's really hard to not do the same thing back because I don't like hurting anyone, but I'm not gonna do anything stupid to lead them on. Haha...Looking back on it, every time I found out a girl liked me...That I found as a friend, I would take 10 steps back and let everything cool over until she moved on...I guess during that time, it probably hurt them even more...So new approach! I'll treat them like a friend no matter what happens...This way, the healing process might be a bit quicker...

Lastly, I wanna put up a song...It's by 王力宏. A duet with Selina. Fang sent it to me a while back as one of the choices to her duet that's coming up. I didn't really enjoy it that much to begin with. But for some reason, I kept on listening to it. As I listened to it more and more, I began to like it more and more. Roughly translated, the song's name is "You're a Song in My Heart". The lyrics are simple, but it speaks to me. Simple love song. The version that I'm gonna put up is me singing Leehom's part...That's right~ I'm finally gonna put up a song of me singing. (Guess singing wasn't as easy to give up as I thought =P) I hope it's not too bad...I recorded it several times before getting it right. It's no where near the original, but I think I tried harder than Leehom, so that's all that matters! Right? Right? Yeah...Haha...I sang this song with Fang in my thoughts, so it'll be right to dedicate this song to her. Hope you like it...If you ever listen to it...Maybe someday you can complete the song =P. Look for track 12~ You're a Song in My Heart...Hey, look at that, 12's my favorite number! Haha...Until next time...Have a Happy Valentine's everyone.

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